Advanced Duty to Accommodate - POSTPONED: NEW DATES TBD

October 13, 2018 to October 14, 2018
(All day)
To be determined -Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan (Map)
Register online:
The Advanced Duty to Accommodate course has been postponed. New dates will be selected in the new year.
Course Description:  This course, intended for Stewards or Local/Branch officers, will develop representation skills to support members with disabilities who are experiencing duty to accommodate issues at the Local level.  Areas of study include applying the legal definitions of discrimination and accommodation in the workplace, identifying pro-active accommodation measures, dealing with the challenges and key issues related to duty to accommodate members with disabilities, and identifying various recourse mechanisms for members requiring accommodation.
• the Basic Duty to Accommodate course and 
• representation training (i.e. Grievance Handling or Advanced Representation Training for Stewards) and 
• experience with and exposure to issues related to the duty to accommodate.