Prince Albert Indian Metis Friendship Centre 1409-1st Ave E
Prince Albert
Sept 12th 2018; 5pm
1. Call to order
2. Review Agenda
3. Review Financial Statements
4. Membership Recruitment Discussion
5. Develop Work Plan and Budget for 2018 ($1500 to $2000)
6. Round Table Reports/Updates
7. Next Meeting
8. Adjournment
Please RSVP to the if you are able to attend.
You can alos join by phone:
Toll-free number: +1 (844) 259-7596,,67210991# (Dial-in Number) English (United States)
Toll number: +1 (613) 319-4304,,67210991# (Dial-in Number) English (United States)
Conference ID: 67210991