CANCELED: S.SK Treasury Board Strike Prep Training Sessions UTE Exec Members ONLY March 14 2020

March 14, 2020
(All day)
Suite 200, 2445 - 13th Ave, Regina, Saskatchewan (Map)
Sign-up Deadline: 
March 12, 2020
Register online:

Despite the efforts of the PSAC bargaining teams, there has been very little progress at the bargaining tables. The PSAC Regina Regional Office will be offering strike preparation training for UTE Executive Members ONLY on March 14th 2020.

Training Location - PSAC Regina Regional Office located at 2445-13th Avenue, 2nd floor Boardroom.

Date: March 14th 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

The full day of training is split into 3 sections and will cover: 

  1. Understanding Strikes: (what is a strike, strike principles, goals of a strike, challenges faced during strikes)
  2. Strike Administration and Responsibilities: (strike structure, pickets and picket lines, essential services, mobilizing for success and injunctions)
  3. Communicating With Stakeholders: (the authorities, news media and social media)     

The goal is to assist Locals to formulate an action plan to organize their members in the case of a strike. All salaries and/or expenses will be covered by the PSAC.

We encourage you to sign up for this valuable training, as the best way to avoid a strike is to be prepared for one!