Winnipeg Area Council Meeting Notice
Wednesday June 17, 2020 @ 6:30 PM
Prairie Region By-Laws:
SECTION 11 - Sub-Section (7) - Vacancy in the Position of Representative
(a) In the event of a vacancy, the position of a PRC Representative shall be filled by the Alternate and the Second Alternate shall assume the Alternate Representative position.
(b) In the event there is no Alternate to assume the PRC Representative position, the vacancy, occurring six (6) months or more prior to the Prairie Region Triennial Convention, shall be filled in the following manner:
(c) Should a vacancy occur in the position of Alternate or Second Alternate, at least one year before the next Prairie Region Triennial Convention, the appropriate caucus delegates will elect a representative in the same manner as identified in Sub-Section (7) (b).
8. Old Business :
(a) Bargaining update
9. New Business:
(a) Letters to MP's? Letters to Editor? (Nestor)
(b) Budget 2020 discussion
(c) Community Outreach?
10. Round Table - time permitting
11. Next meeting date
12. Adjournment
Please RSVP to Gus Mardli via Email: , Tracy Thor via Email:
or RSVP to the link
The Skype meeting and conference call coordinates will be sent to you once you have registered.