Lethbridge RWC Meeting Notice Feb. 2 at 6pm MDT Via Zoom

February 2, 2021
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Virtual, , Alberta (Map)

Lethbridge RWC Meeting Notice  Feb. 2 at 6pm MDT Via Zoom

**New Meeting Date and Time**

Tuesday February 2, 2021 at 6pm Via Zoom

Tentative Agenda:

  1. Adoption of Agenda
  2. Review previous meetings minutes (November 3, 2020)
  3. Financial report
  4. Introduction Regional Women’s Committees Representative Leila White (not confirmed)
  5. Update from Calgary Regional Office – Dolly Ablitt (not confirmed)
  6. Old business:
    1. Coutts Food Bank Drive Update
    2. November/December recap
  7. New Business:
  1. 2020-21 Budget Allotment and Committee Project Status
  2. Prairies Regional Convention Updates
  3. Prairies Regional Women’s Committee Chairs - VC Call
  4. 2021-22 Budget and Project Discussion
  1. Round Table
  2. Next Meeting: AGM
  3. Adjourn

All PSAC women in Southern Alberta are welcome to join us!

RSVP to psac.lrwc@gmail.com



Meeting coordinates and meeting documents will be emailed to attendees prior to January 19, 2020.