Calgary Regional Women's Committee Annual General Meeting

January 21, 2014
7:30 pm to 10:00 pm
301-14th Street NW T2N 2A1, Calgary, Alberta (Map)

The Calgary Regional Women's Committee will be holding their Annual General Meeting at the Calgary Regional Office on January 21, 2014. The following postions are up for elections: Chair, Treasurer and Sectretary. The Agenda for this meeting is as follows:


1. Introductions and a light meal
2. Review of Mandate
3. Elections- Chair, Treasurer and Secretary
4. Planning

Please RSVP your attendance to Regional Representative Dolly Ablitt. You may also call the Calgary Regional Office at 403-270-6555. It is important that you RSVP by January 20, 2014 as we will be ordering a light dinner.
