Prince Albert and District Area Council Meeting Thursday March 24, 2011, 5:30 pm
John M Cuelenaere Library
Attendance: Denni Nelson, Gerald Wiegers, Tim Hogan, Nancy Johnson (Via teleconference);
Regrets: Adam Pidwerbeski, Debbie Taylor
1. Prior meeting minutes were read and adopted by Gerald, seconded by Tim
2. Old business arising from minutes:
a. Sunlife visit: Tim will contact Randy Hoback, MP to coordinate a time for the representative to visit. Sask Pen has agreed to find a location for the event, but other locals should chip in for other expenses. An updated list of locals and their executive will be needed from Heather to contact them. Retirees will be invited also. Target date will be May or June.
b. Fliers that were to be printed will be put on hold if an election is called. We may need the budget for other projects.
c. Resolutions sent for the Triennual convention were received by Robyn. APSAR was contacted for input, but more research is needed to formulate a resolution on their behalf for the future.
d. Letters to locals asking for support and involvement in campaigns are a great idea and will be used in the future to work towards membership renewal.
3. PRC Report: Gerald:
Conference calls of PRC March 7 and 22.
-Discipline of Member was discussed
-Resolutions to Triennual
-Discrimination occurred in Montreal
-Prairie voice awards
-Strikes in Moose Jaw and Regina-airports (UNDE)
-Convention update
-NBOD re: topped up pensions
-Subsidies for delegates at Triennuel
-Robyn spoke about budget update
-We should be preparing for an election; targeting of certain ridings
-Gerald has a Political action Plan
-Gerald gave speaking notes so we would all know what to ask or say if the
occasion arises. We will be seeing townhalls, conference calls, mailouts, all
candidates forums, billboards and will work with sisters and Labour Council to
develop a plan of action. There will be flags, buttons and stickers printed.
-Robyn will send the plans to review and again, an updated contact list will be
required to contact all the locals for their participation.
-Robyn indicates that Defence and Corrections won’t likely have budgets cut.
4. PRC Rep election: Tim Hogan by acclamation. He will be sworn in at the end of the triennial convention.
5. Gerald brought info about RPIC, an activist group geared towards all things green. They are concerned with nuclear energy, green policies and resource management. There will be a presentation at 7 pm in the Library on Mon, Mar 28th. Gerald will send Dallas and Nancy information on the group and the meeting.
6. Area Council financial statement was presented, with a current balance of $3,705.38 and two cheques written-1 for the 2 library meeting room rentals ($45.00) and 1 for tonight’s pizza ($28.00 and change). Moved to adopt by Gerald, Seconded by Dallas
7. Denni raised question about possibility of meeting with Saskatoon area council and working together on upcoming election.
8. Nancy advised that a PSAC grassroots group has a facebook page.
9. Tim motioned to adjourn, Denni seconded.