Regina HRC Mtg Minutes (Jan 28 2010)

South SK Human Rights Committee

Meeting Minutes

January 28, 2010


Present:               Melissa Brandt, Treasurer                                            Robyn Benson, REVP Prairies

                  Lisa Garnier, PSAC Regional Rep                               Pat Davis, Regional Coordinator

                                Joel Frohman, L40337                                              Steve Van Opstal, L40229


The meeting commenced at 5:50 p.m. with a roundtable and introductions.


Over the past several years the committee has experienced some peaks and valleys.  Sister Robyn suggested the committee needs to shift its focus in an effort to generate renewed interest and attract membership participation.


Sister Robyn observed all of the committees appear to have become too focused on business.  She is an advocate of using the consensus model and acknowledged there are no guidelines for operation of HR Committees.  She observed the meeting minutes are reflective of structure using motions and votes to make decisions.  Sister Robyn advised motions are not needed to make decisions or to expend money.


Sister Robyn advised the Prairie Region Council held a strategy session and identified the upcoming budget and pension change as priority areas.  We need to take on projects which focus on social justice issues.  This could be accomplished by linking to recognized equity dates/events (posted on the PSAC website).  There are low cost things the committee can do; however, Sister Robyn has funds available which can also be used to cover the cost of some events.  Meeting notices need to include a drawing card such as a speaker, video or event.  Topics which might resonate:


·         Duty to accommodate

·         Gender reassignment

·         March 21 – NCVM (National Council for Visible Minorities)

·         June 21 – Sisters in Spirit, Office of the Treaty Commissioner, Residential Schools

·         December 3 – disabilities, living with an invisible disability


Sister Robyn indicated meetings should be open to allies when an event is being held however other meetings of the committee should be closed.  Clarify with members that open meetings are for any member to attend; they do not have to hold a position on the executive of the local to attend.


Channel information on multi-cultural events which are taking place to members and encourage them to attend.  Following the event the committee should meet to debrief and talk about the experience.


Refreshments offered should be light and reasonable in cost.  Meeting notices should always indicate whether refreshments and/or a light meal will be offered.


The PSAC EOC is currently reviewing employment equity plans.  All of the national equity conferences include a caucus – the committee should be connecting with delegates to each of the conferences.


The committee needs to tighten-up and begin to schedule ahead.  Support from PSAC staff is critical – collect data/track success; meeting/information event; weather – good/bad.  The 2009 financial statements and 2010 budget are due by the end of February.


Next meeting:  February 17 at 5:45 p.m., light meal to be provided.

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