Jackie Nettleton PRC Report (Nov. 2011)

Jackie Nettleton, Saskatoon Area Council Representative
Report to the Prairie Region Council
November 2011

On June 17 federal departments in Saskatoon held their annual Public Service Day BBQ in one of the downtown parks. Staff from the regional office and PSAC members set up an information table where we handed out ice cream and Frisbees. The Frisbees are always welcome as people use them as plates for their burgers. This year they also used them as hats because it was raining. There was a surprisingly good turnout, considering the weather. We had to close down about 20 min. early when it started to pour.

On September 5 we participated in the annual Saskatoon Labour Day BBQ. Our members prepared food, blew up helium balloons and handed out swag. The bandaid kits were quite popular with the parents. The weather was beautiful and the bbq was well attended. A picture of our table with a good shot of the Frisbees and their logo made the front page of the newspaper.

In consultation with the Prince Albert Area Council and our North Sask. PRC rep. we mailed out information to all our members in northern Sask. re. the upcoming provincial election. On the afternoon of Oct. 21, six members of Ag. Local 40022 who had just finished attending the Sask. Federation of Labour convention got together with 3 members from P.A. and Nancy Johnson PRC RWC rep. to stuff envelopes. We sent out a brief letter urging members to participate in the election along with information from the SFL Labour Issues campaign that concerns provincial issues affecting working people. Since it didn’t increase our postage costs we were also able to include a card with information concerning the issue of Crown Corporations that we acquired at the convention.

Jackie Nettleton
Saskatoon Area Council

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