Edmonton AC Minutes (Feb 2012)

RO Contact:    Carm Chan  

Edmonton Area Council Minutes - February 16, 2012

Present                                                 Regrets                         PSAC Rep

Rick Parenteau                                    Darlene Lewis               Carm Chan

Nina Kiviluoma                                    Lynn Richards

Ben Lemon

Jo Chelick

Jerad Cooper

Imy Bhatty

Called to order 

Agenda             approved                       Moved Rick/Jerad second/carried 

2.0        Previous minutes                       Moved Jo/Bud second/carried 

2.1        Hands Off plant gating

Weather was a deterrent and therefore poor condition to collect signatures (pens freezing).  Poor show of help and members were dodging in getting the information. 

Have collected over 450 letters signed to be sent to Ottawa.  Discussion on how to send and what to use for lobbying local MPs.  Note that there is no cut off in doing the letters. 

Check in what APSAR is doing and see about joining them in regards to Pension campaign.

  • Political Action:

Call local MP’s

Plan some local lobby training if there is a need

Look at maybe some fun alternatives for the members


PSAC National Board of Directors wants all locals to have a rally at lunch time outside their building to get the members ready for future action again this Government in destroying pensions and old age security monetary funds.  Noted that the day set is also teachers’ convention so may be hard at Canada Placebut other locations were discussed.  Carm and O’Neil are going to check with RVPs as to what they are planning and also contact other federations of labour. Will also look at speakers.  Also noted that local executives need to get their members out.   Suggested that at rally to have hotdogs.  Nina will look at food aspect and Carm will look at location.

-      Social justice 

Rick handed out copy of prepared budget and noted some changes for 2012.  Books are being audited and once completed will be sent to Robyn for her review.

  • Action Plan for Year
  • More political action because shortfall of volunteers (example was preparing the float for Capital X parade) and most importantly key is to get the membership mobilized.  It was noted that locals have to elect reps to the Council but noted that it hasn’t been followed for a number of years.  Suggested having a resolution prepared for convention to have it changed. 
  • Budget:

 MOTION:   “The 2013 budget is accepted as proposed and amended” Rick moved/Ben second/carried 

Waiting for final results from Darlene 

  • Audit:

2.6         President’s report -  Nina gave a summary of what has recently happened and not impressed with the

              Turnout and noted most was already mentioned in prior reports. 

AFL had made a mini presentation regarding the upcoming provincial elections and is asking fro our assistance to do some phone banks, drop off.  The provincial elections are April 23, 2012. 

  •         Rick gave a quick summary of funds to end of January 2012.  Sitting with $2,263.55 in the bank.
  •        Correspondence:\
  •        Round Table:

 Ben: National Public Week see about doing something.  Look at targeting locals who have not been doing things.  Maybe have a theme like “No Strings Attached”.On going pride in “Serving Canadians” but poor promotion on behalf of locals. Discussion on ideas and possible gatherings to improve and promote.Look at future swag for promotions.

 Jerad: Repeated the information needed for Day of Action and stated that the information needs to out ASAP.

 Carm: 100th Anniversary of AFLand will do some follow-up regarding participation and costs.

Suggested that Area Council look at Navel Notion a local company that is unionized and they have all typed and kinds of swag.

 Next meeting   suggested in May

 Adjourned at 7:00                                  moved by Rick/second Jerad/carried 

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