Edmonton AC Minutes (Jan 2012)

RO Contact     Carm Chan  


Rick Parenteau  UNDE 30903                       Nina Kiviluoma UNDE 30903   

Bryan Smith NHU 30016                               Ben Lemon UEW 30703                                  

Jerad Cooper UTE 30025                              Carisa David  UTE 30025

Jo Chelick  UTE 30025                                  Elaine Alt  NHU 30016

Lynn Richards  CEIU 30851                          Dave Burchell   UNE  30067

Darlene Lewis  NHU 30016          

PSAC Regional Reps                                 Conference Call-Ins   5:30

Carm Chan                                                Jayne Fisher    UNDE 30903

Judy Shannon                                            Cora- Lee Oleny  GSU  30001

O’Neil Cartier                                           Martine Babcook  GSU 30001

                                                                 Billie-Jo Brockie  UNDE 30903

Regrets :                                                  Don Jirardin   UNE 30067

Betty Dharap                                             Moe Abba   UNE 30094

 Nina called meeting to order at 5:31

 Roll call taken to check proper number of reps per local for voting later in meeting.


Approved as presented  - Darlene/Carisa second/carried 

  •    Minutes : Approved as presented - Jo/Carisa second/carried

1.1    Election for Vice-chair for AC: Jerad nominated by Rick, Seconded by Carisa

No other nominations Jerad won by acclamation. 

  • Political Action : “Hands off our Pension” is back in full force and looking at plant gating as well as desk drops, letters both by paper and on the website. Discussion on this being a priority and decided to make February 8th the day for having a “Hands Off our Pension” plant gate and those who volunteered and building locations are identified as:

                              Canada Place   Darlene, Jerad, Dave, Nina

      Base – Rick

      South side – Moe (his site)

As well it was noted that information would be sent out to Locals regarding the campaign. 

“3rd Choice”

Campaign in which the people are being forced to make a choice between deficit and services. 

A meeting is planned in February to finalize and plan other dates. 

Tabled to February’s meeting 

As this was the first meeting after being elected no report. 

  • Projects
  • Report from Chair
  • Treasurer’s Report

Verbal report given. 

The bylaws state that the books should be audited or reviewed at end of every year.  It was stated that Robyn Benson (REVP) would like to have a small summary of books.  Jayne Fisher volunteered and Billie-Jo to help review them along with Rick. 

  • Audit team
  • Elections to PSAC Convention:

Nina stepped down and Carm proceeded to take the chair.  Carm stated the reason for this new vote was due to a member filing a complaint. John Gordon reviewed the complaint related to the Edmonton AC delegate election and concluded that a new vote should be held with the same two members names (Dave Burchell/Nina Kiviluoma) on the ballot. Call-in voting was permitted, however members have to be on the call for the entire meeting. 

Breakdown for voting so no local was over represented was checked and 4 officers of AC (Nina, Jo, Rick, Jerad) and 1 from RWC – Darlene

 Election conducted and Dave Burchell was the successful candidate.

 MOTION “Destroy ballots”                                                   Jo/second Darlene/carried

 Carm stepped down and Nina took back the chair. 

Dave – Thanked everyone for their support.

  • Round table:

 Carm – Timothy Hunt is proposing that Regional Committees in Southern and Northern Albertawork together participating in the AFL100th Anniversary. Will send e-mail to Timothy to invite him to participate in the next EAC meeting.

 Next meeting will be advised

 Adjourned at 6:25      Nina/Rick/carried 

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