Calgary AC Minutes (April 2012)

Minutes April 3, 2012 

CalgaryArea Council Annual General Meeting – April 3, 2012   6:00 p.m.


Alec Goertzen                         President (#30036) 

Jacqueline Moody                  Secretary  (#30036)

Jenna Adams                          Treasurer ( #30186)

Janet Parris                             # 30024

Dale Maianicz                         #30046

Raj Hari                                 PSAC RO


Cathy Martens                         #30186

Rosanne Gherasim                  #30056

Dolly Ablitt                             PSAC RO

The meeting started promptly at 6:00 pm.  Br. Goertzen welcomed all to the 2012 Annual General Meeting of the Calgary Area Council meeting. 

 Br. Goertzen presented the Agenda and moved to approved;  sec’d by Sis. Moody – CARRIED

 Br. Goertzen presented the Nov/2011 minutes for review & adoption. Seeing no request for changes, Br. Goertzen moved for adoption; sec’d by Sis. Adams– CARRIED


Raj Hari has agreed to monitor our elections that are due this evening.  The positions that are up for re-election for this next 2-year term are:  President, and Secretary; due to vacancy position of Vice-President is up for 1-year term.

  • President - Br. Goertzen was nominated by Sis. Adams, and seconded by Sis. Moody.  There were no other nominations.  Br. Alec accepted the nomination.  Raj Hari declared Br. Goertzen Acclaimed.  Congratulations Br. Goertzen.
  • Secretary - Sis. Parris was nominated by Sis. Moody, and seconded by Br. Goertzen.  There were no other nominations.  Sis. Parris accepted the nomination.  Raj Hari declared Sis. Parris acclaimed.  Congratulations Sis. Parris.
  • Vice President – Br. Dale Marianicz was nominated by Br. Goertzen, and seconded by Sis. Moody.  There were no other nominations.  Br. Marianicz accepted the nomination.  .  Raj Hari declared Br. Marianicz acclaimed.  Congratulations Br. Marianicz.

Br. Goertzen will update the contact information where it is required.


Annual Reports were presented by President Br. Goertzen, and Treasurer Sis. Adams.

Moved to adopt the President report, sec’d by Sister Moody.  Highlights from the President Report:

CAC was one of the first to organize a “Celebrate the Steward” with a picnic/BBQ at BownessParkthis last summer.  Stewards and their families that attended, it was very well received and appreciated.  Steward bags were presented 12 Calgaryarea stewards by our own Sis. Benson, REVP-Prairies. 

At the Labour Day Bar-B-Que the CAC chose this year to hand out “Stop Harper” cookies, which was a big hit and great message.  With the history now of being participants of the Labour Day BBQ, we contribute to the food given out with a sweet treat (i.e. cookies, cake, etc), as well as provide a display of our campaigns; we .  We will look forward to participating again at the 2012 event!

Bullying in the Workplace Campaign got off to a fairly goods start with hand-outs and surveys; which educated people on the difference between Bullying and Harassment.  Even though it was not fully completed with published materials, and based on the Regional Convention motion passed the campaign will be put on hold as the motion goes forward to the National Convention for delegates to vote on; if passed, then the NHQ-Education will take next step to a national awareness campaign.  With what the National Council comes up with and what CAC produced we hope to at least get the awareness of Bullying out to our members.

Leadership meeting in October for Southern Alberta, and the CAC was hosted an evening meet-n-greet and display the various campaigns PSAC had on the go, and how components in Southern Alta could support them.  While the evening event was not well attended, perhaps this was due to lack of communication, the Leadership meeting with component leaders was a success in getting the support and ideas for the campaigns.

In February/2012 we organized the Full Cup for Action, which arose from the Oct. Leadership meeting.  Leaders and volunteers gave out cups of hot chocolate, and Third Choice information at different transit stations, to inform the public of the consequences of cut-backs to public services and the absurdities in choice.  A job well done by the participants!  From the disbursement of this information it was estimated that approximately 200 people were informed of the “Third Choice” website, and a good amount of interest was generated.

In addition to President of the CAC, continue to serve as CAC Rep on the Prairie Area Council; report are filed on the PSAC-Prairies website.

Sis. Adamsproposed that this report be accepted as presented.  Sis. Moody Seconded – CARRIED.

As the Vice-President of the CAC resigned mid-term there is no Annual Report to be presented.

Balance Sheet (attached)

Opening Bal. – January 1, 2011       $5,036.36

Closing Bal. – December 31, 2011     $2,229.50

Statement of Expenses details were provided.

The 2012 Budget was provided and discussed.  Some adjustments to what campaigns that will be taken on were discussed and amendments were made. (see New Business – 2012)

Sis. Moody moves to have the Treasurer’s report be accepted; Sis. Parris seconded.  CARRIED.


Visibility – CAC missed the deadline for the application to Stampede parade this year.  Future CAC members should have these dates diarized to ensure important dates are not missed – CLOSED

AFL - 100 Years of Labour in the Province of Alberta. 

Brother Goertzen stated there are many events that CAC can participate in Calgary, and throughout Alberta.  On Jun 16 there is an event at FortEdmontonPark, “Celebration in the Park”.  The Pride & Solidarity committee of AFL (Br. Hunt) have been able to commission the creating of a float for them for the June 16 event.  Br. Goertzen is discussing with Edm-CAC if they wish to join together on any of the events.  A report back will come at next meeting


2012 Budget –

Many items, events, and requirements for the upcoming year where discussed in great length; some new ideas and some items CAC has been participating or spearheading for several years.  A final proposal was reached.

Br. Goertzen motioned that the 2012 Budget be accepted as presented; Sis. Adams seconded – CARRIED


With the newly elected officers, the new VP will be added as signator to cheques.  Sis. Adamswill make arrangements with our bank and Br. Mariancz to update records.

Br. Goertzen presented expenses to be paid, in accordance with CAC Bylaws as they were over $150.00.  These were:

$300.00          Convention Registration

$303.05          LIWA – Third Choice

Motioned to accept and pay expenses by Sis. Moody, and seconded by Sis. Adams, this motion was –  CARRIED.

National Day of Mourning

A reminder that on April 27, 2012, the CDLC is hosting an event at City Hall.  CAC will participate with a wreath laying. 

 Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm

 Next Meeting tentatively scheduled for June 5th @ 5:30pm 

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