Calgary HRC Minutes (July 2012)

RO Contact:   Alec Goertzen / Raj Hari 

MINUTES - Calgary- Human Rights Committee - July 10, 2012

Meeting called to order 5:15pm.

 Attendees:  Evelyn Egger, Garth Caron, Timothy Hunt, Alec Goertzen-RO Rep.

Minutes of meeting held May 9th, 2012

Motion to Adopt minutes – Garth,  2nd Evelyn  Accepted 


 GlobalFest 2012 - updates

 Discussion about the recent video, “ It’s About Time”, Timothy to get copy from PSAC Naitonal Office and request Globalfest to have it run on the August 16th  forum (direct connect with Social Justice).            

ACTION:  Timothy

Display Booth at the AboriginalVillage:  Carrie Ann French was at NAD (National Aboriginal Day) display for Woman’s committee get some ideas as to her information.  

            ACTION:  Evelyn to speak with Emma.

Designated seating has been confirmed for all luncheon forums.  Information package to be listed on the website regarding the seats set aside for PSAC members during the lunch and learns at the Calgary Public Library.

Selling of ½ of Tickets:  On-Going: Timothy/Garth/Evelyn will work together, ticket sales will end July 31st and ordered by August 02nd, picked up usually the next day.

 Tipi (CANE Committee):  Volunteer(s) to set up tipi on location at EllistonPark. 

ACTION:  Evelyn to confirm with Emma who can set up and find out about transporting the Poles to EllistonPark.

ACTION: Timothy to find out if grounds are secure on Wednesday 15th if we need to set up tipi early

PSAC posters:  We have about 200 in Calgary.  Contact to be made with other Regional Offices, to request any posters they may have to be sent to Calgary RO.  Contact Michael DeSautel regarding key chains, mugs and giveaways

ACTION: Timothy

 T-Shirts > Find out about printing NAPC T-shirts (CAVAN) for possible sale at the both.


 Information Booth: “Did You Know” information to be accumulated and will laminate at the regional office

ACTION:  Garth to coordinate (via Emma from CANE)

ACTION:  Garth and Evelyn to meet on Aug 10th to laminate

Storage Bins:  storing PSAC stuff when in the tipi when the park is closed

ACTION:  Evelyn to provide

 Donation/Kettle for drum to collect the donations

ACTION:  Garth to provide

 Discusson on donation of funds raised:

 Confirmed that we will offer support to the reserve (#275 - that sustained considerable flooding last year perhaps Alex George can deliver on behalf of PSAC. 

ACTION:  Garth to get details of reserve and Aboriginal Women’s Shelter:  Calgary– ACTION: Evelyn to find out details of contact and provide details of our initiative to them.

 Logistics for EllistonPark:  Alec/Dolly will deliver posters and any other information to gates at ElistonParkon the day of the set up.

ACTION:  Dolly and/or Alec

 Discussion on whether we will be using some of our budget perhaps to contribute to materials for GlobalFest ($800 available). 

 We will have a conference call to discuss and ensure all things are in order for the GlobalFest festivities on Thursday July 11 (11:30am-12:30pm).

Brief discussion of NAD celebrations on how it went, make contact with CANE committee to have them give us a letter telling how the event went and a “thank you” for our $200 donation.

 Older business, we have made plans to deliver the $500 cheque to Calgary Handi-Bus, regional representative to pick us up on August 19th and deliver the cheque and get a photo opporturnity to send to the Social Justice Fund. 

            ACTION:   Alec and/or Dolly

 Discussion on our participation in Labour Day BBQ (Sept 03) and with the Pride (GBLT) parade (Sept 02)

Note: Alec has requested HRCtake over the distribution of funds for Labour Day BBQ with contributions from Area Council/Regional Women’s Committee. 

 Meeting adjourned 6:20p.m.  

 Potential meeting on Thursday July 19th to discuss final details of GlobalFest and future participation in events and deliver the cheque to CalgaryHandiBus. 

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