Lethbridge Area Council Minutes (Feb 2012)

RO Contact:   Raj Hari

Minutes - Lethbridgeand District Area Council General Meeting

February 14, 2012

 Executive:        Greg Krokosh             President   #30027

                        Lorna Selinger             Vice President  #30048

                        David Pearson             Secretary-Treasurer  #30048

 Attendees:       Shannan Little             #30048

                        Christine Krokosh        #30027

                        Ray Wilson                  #30048

                        Barb Giesbrecht          #30858

                        Raj Hari                       PSAC Regional Rep

 Called to order: 1805 hours


  1. Approval of the Agenda

           Motion to Adopt. Move/Seconded Brother Wilson / Sister Selinger


      2.  Minutes of the September 20, 2011

           Motion to adopt with minor corrections, Move/Seconded Brother Wilson/ Sister Selinger


       3.  Area Council Financial Statement     As of February  14, 2012 balance of $2,752.45


  •             Motion to Adopt.  Moved/Seconded:  Sister Selinger / Brother Wilson
  •             Carried
  •      4.   2012 Food Bank Garden Project     Sister Little presented a report on the the success of  2011 Food Bank Garden Project


  • Sister Little requested funding of $150.00 for the 2012 FoodBankGarden: for the purchase of seed and supplies.
  • Motion to  Support 2012 Food Bank Garden for  $150.00 was Moved/Seconded:  Sister Little / Sister Selinger
  • Carried
  •       5.  2012 Vegetable Project    Sister Little presented a report on the success of the 2011 tomato project and requested that the Area Council support a similar project for 2012.     For the 2012 project, it was suggested that with the tomatoes, lettuce can be part of the project.  The potted vegetables will be handed out to the Food Bank clients and to their young chefs program.   The tomato project last year cost close to $500.00.


  •  Motion to  Support 2012 Vegetable Project  for  $500.00 was Moved/Seconded:  Sister Little / Brother Wilson
  • Carrie
  •    6.  2012 AFLCentennial Project      Brother Krokosh presented the Lethbridge Labour Council AFLCentennial Project for the first weekend in May       May 4 will have Maria Dunn concert about Labour at GaltMuseum    May 5 will have a parade of Locals from City Hall to GaltGardens May 5 family BBQ in GaltGardens


  • Motion to  Support Lethbridge Labour Council AFL’s Centennial Project  of  $500.00 was Moved/Seconded:  Brother Krokosh / Brother Wilson
  • Carried
  •    7.  2012 International Women’s Day        Sister Selinger informed the Council what local activities for the International Women’s Day on March 3, 2012.  Sister Selinger reminded the Council in that in 2011 the Area Council donated $200.00 for coffee which was apprenticed by organizing committee.    Sister Little noted that low income women may not be able to attend because of child care issues, instead of purchasing coffee for the attendees, the monies should go towards onsite child care.  Sister Selinger noted, in 2011, child care was not requested.


  • Motion to Support local 2012 International Women’s Day of $200.00 for onsite child care expense (first choice) or coffee for attendees (second choice) was Moved/Seconded:  Sister Selinger  / Sister Krokosh
  •       8.  Notes from Brother Hari

         Brother Krokosh spoke about Sister Benson putting her name forward as a candidate for be next National President of PSAC   What locals, Councils and individuals can do if they want to assist Sister Benson campaign

         Talked about the thirdchoice.ca campaign

         Had a discussion about the squirrel

         Talked about the education plan  Main focus is WFA, TUB, Grievance handling, and steward courses.    The local must be proactive when it comes to WFA, budget will rough towards our members.

          Our pension     The Supreme Court of Canada has heard our pension case, just waiting for their decision   Kevin Page reported that there is no OAS pressure for the federal budget. 

    1. Meeting adjourned at 1945 hours 
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