Lethbridge Area Council Minutes (Aug 2012)

RO contact:    Raj Hari

Minutes - Lethbridge and District Area Council

August 28, 2012

 In attendance:

Greg Krokosh (30027), President; Lorna Selinger (30048), Vice-President; David Pearson (30048), Secretary/Treasurer, Sherry Hunt (30048), Ray Wilson(30048),  Stephanie Erb (30048), Christine Krokosh (30027), Darrell Vedres (30048), Krysty Munns (30048), Shirley Stolk (30048), Diane White (30027), Michele Jackson (30048), Marlene St. Onge (30036)

 Called to order: 1800 hours


 1.   Agenda was adopted by consensus.

 2. Minutes of the April 12, 2012 meeting was read and adopted with corrections   Adopted with corrections

 3.  Area Council Treasurer reported as adopted  As of  August 28, 2012, the bank balance: $2,240.33  Was adopted.

 4.  We Are All Affect Campaign-  September 15      Had a discussion of what actions to be taken on September 15.  The Area Council plan:  Members to distribute postcards to residences in their area or assigned areas on Sep15/2012 with a gathering planned to celebrate the efforts of the day and to motivate members for the final day.    Members to track purchases made during Sep14-16/2012 and present ‘We are All Affected’ postcard to the merchant.  Member will supply Area Council with total for their purchases.   The Area Council will develop a ‘We are All Affected’ message from our activities and present them to public via letter to the editor, press release or some other method.   Members, family and friends to wear we are all affected buttons during Sep14-16/2012

5.  Education Courses for Lethbridge   A discussion about the education schedule and tendency of courses being cancelled was held.A discussion for the type of courses for the Lethbridge Area.    The TUB course and the Grievance handling courses are the priority at the moment.The Regional Office indicated that can do one weekend course in October either weekend of 13 or 27.   A Grievance Handling Course for Oct 27-28 as chosen.The Area Council will keep in contact with the Regional Office with the Lethbridge education requirements.

 6.  Council Activities    

7.   PSAC Triennial Convention     Sister Selinger, Lethbridge Area Council delegate, spoke on the highlights of the Triennial.  Written report to follow.    Sister Benson was elected as the new National President.

8.   Take Back the Night on September 14, 2012    Sister Selinger encourage PSAC member to participate in the event.

9.   Sisters in Spirit on October 4, 2012.

10.   Brother Wilson spoke about his experiences of the March in Yellowknife in 2011

11.   Bargaining     Brother Krokosh informs the Council that CRA will be in a bargaining situation by the end of the year.Treasury Board group Technical Services (TC) will be going to the Public Interest Commission in November     CFIA PSAC members will be going to the Public Interest Commission in January 2013.     It was noted CFIA and PSAC has not meet in more than 6 months.

12.   AFL Women committee      Sister Hunt, a member of the AFL Women Committee spoke about their activities.Lobby campaign for child care at the Edmonton legislature

13.   AFL 100 Anniversary       There were discussions on the some of the resolutions presented.\

14.   PSAC Tomato Project/Foodbank Garden     On track for a success harvest

15.    Dates to Remember

  1. September 15 – ‘We are All Affected’ day of action; remember to send PM his ‘Affected Letter’.
  2. September 18 – Debate of M-312; tell your MP to vote NO
  3. September 20  - Deadline for application for PSAC Prairie Regional Health and Safety Conference
  4. November 5 – Deadline for application for Labour College of Canada (May and August 2013)
  5. November 17 & 18 – Prairie Regional Health and Safety Conference in Edmonton.

16. Roundtable     Nothing to report

The meeting was adjourned at 1940


  • Next meeting October 24, 2012 – Election and AGM 
  • Our Organization: