Winnipeg RWC Minutes (June 2012)

In Attendance: Debbie; Karon, Cathy, Carol, Dawn, Darlene, Deanna
Regrets: Paula, Gloria

1. Call to order 5:15pm
2. Introductions
3. Adoption of Agenda: M/S Debbie/Darlene
4. Adoption of Minutes: M/S Karon/Carol
5. RWC Treasurer’s Report:
-cheques were signed that were outstanding
-outstanding money for School Supply Drive - almost $200 in change
6. New Business:
2012 School Supply Drive will be held on August 24 at 5:30pm
Bomber contact will advertise this event at the August 16 game
Cathy will send out an email for call for volunteers in July
Osbourne House’s Purple Campaign
We will consider giving a cash donations and toiletries
Canadian Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada are calling for a Declaration for a Child Care System in Canada – Distributed to the committee
7. Next Meeting Date: September 2012
8. Meeting Adjourned 6:15pm M/S Dawn/Debbie

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