Alec Goertzen PRC Report (Apr. 2013)

Alec Goertzen, Calgary Area Council Rep

Report to the Prairie Region Council

April 2013

Brothers and Sisters of the PRC, this reporting is for the period of October 2012 to March 2013

PSAC Priorities –
We Are all Affected: summertime was our biggest awareness campaign on to the general public and for our members in the Calgary area. Since the Sept 15 Day of Action, there has been no further details to report. 

Plans for continued action and awareness for 2013 are being prepared and were discussed at the recent CAC-AGM.

Regional Committees –
Health & Safety: much planning and coordinating went into the conference (Nov 17-18th). Our theme was Mental Health in the Workplace, with special Keynote speaker Sjors Reijers, Manager for Program Promotions at Mental Health Commission of Canada. A recap of the conference has been posted to the Prairies website.

Jan 24 – As a continuation of our work as Health and Safety representatives on the Prairie Region Council, we will be communicating to our members about who we are and what we do. Our goal is to keep our members informed about Health and Safety issues, and have an avenue to get the information they need.

Feb 22 – Participated in selection input of Prairies delegates for H&S National Conference

April 11 to 14 – attend as a delegate to National H&S Conference in Montreal, serving on Resolutions Committee.

Nov 12 – Calgary Area Council meeting
Nov 30-Dec 2 – Leadership Summit, Ottawa
Dec 15 – Worksock preparation for Calgary Drop In Center donation
Jan 10 – appointed to National H&S Conference committee
Jan 28 – Committee Funding/Reporting procedures input
Feb 12 – PRC Conference call
Mar 6 – Calgary Area Council AGM
Mar 21 – Federal Budget Watch with Calgary District Labor Council

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