Regina Area Council Meeting Minutes

Present:  Melissa Brandt, Chair; Brett Pollard, Secretary; Satinder Bains, Vice-Chair;
Dan Grunert, Treasurer; Richard Dolinski, L4A008; Sandra Ahenakew, L40064; Michael Schell, L4006

The meeting commenced at 5:50 p.m.
M/S/C: Brett/Dan

That the agenda be adopted as circulated.
M/S/C: Michael/Dan 

That the previous meeting minutes of May 22, June 26 and August 13 be adopted as presented. 

Financial Update: 

M/S/C: Satinder/Brett 

  • Brother Dan reported our current bank balance as of August 31 was $2,965.51.  Several cheques have been issued but have not cleared; allowing for the cheques which have not cleared our bank balance is $2,416.66.
  • There are no outstanding expenses for the booth at the Dragon Boat festival to be reimbursed.  The cost of the helium tank and the booth rental was covered through the REVP’s office based on the budget submitted by Sister Diane.  Members who worked a four hour shift each received a $15.00 honorarium in accordance with the motion put forward at the August 13 planning meeting.

That Sister Melissa be reimbursed $55.10 for dinner expenses from tonight’s meeting.

Debrief – Dragon Boat Festival Booth 

  • It was recommended that similar events in the future should include provision to purchase some fruit and granola bars to provide members who are working as a snack rather than paying them an honorarium
  • Members should be outfitted with some ‘swag’ to wear in order to make our union affiliation more visible to the public
  • There were some logistical issues around setup and take down of the booth, volunteers did not need to arrive as early as they did and a handcart was needed to transport heavy items back to the parking lot
  • There was some discussion around whether or not our message was received, the booth would have benefitted from signage, a short message tied to or printed on each balloon
  • The message could be put out by posing questions such as:
    • What public services have you used this year?
    • What public services do you use/value?
  • We need to better learn how to tap into social media.
  • It was concluded the event was successful but by considering improvements for future similar events could be more successful.

Member Training Opportunities: 

  • Sister Melissa noted the PSAC has recently posted an online ‘We Are All Affected’course.

 Toiletry Collection Campaign: 

  • Sister Melissa will consult the Human Rights and Women’s Committees to see if they are in agreement with reissuing the toiletry collection campaign letter to locals

Other Business: 

  • The donation sent to RDLC for the labour day picnic was put toward the RDLC school supply drive.  A letter was received from the RDLC thanking Area Council for their donation.
  • A callout for volunteers to work on the host committee for Prairie Convention has been sent out to locals.
  • The Unions of Regina Christmas dinner will be held on December 19 at the Delta.  Volunteers can register by calling the RDLC offices.  Area Councils donation cheque in the amount of $100.00 was prepared and signed.  Sister Melissa agreed to deliver the cheque to the Union Centre.
  • Sister Melissa to order the wreath for Remembrance Day from the Legion.  The budget includes provision for a 20 inch wreath.
  • Interest in holding a joint get together with the Human Rights and Women’s Committees in early January was expressed.  Sister Melissa to follow-up with the committee chairs.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Next meeting:  January 8, 2014.

Our Organization: