Prince Albert Area Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the February 10, 2014 Prince Albert Area Council Meeting


Tim Hogan – AC President / PRC
Frank MacGregor – APSAR
Trudy Lerat -  AC VP, UNE
Melanie Markling  - USGE
Louise Mardell – PSAC RO 

The meeting was called to order at approx. 5:15 after a healthy discussion regarding APSAR issues/Pensions and Education 

Agenda for this meeting:
PRC report and PR Convention
Delegate election
Round Table discussions 

PRC report by Tim Hogan


Tim advised that he is a PRC rep on the Education Committee.  He gave an over view of future plans.
*Mini School – place and time not yet announced.
* Union School in October or November – likely in Saskatoon or Regina
Some topics will be – Activism and Mobilization for Bargaining.  There will also be a focus on mobilization in relation to the 2015 federal election. 

Tim advised that there will be a call out for volunteers for the organizing Committees (there will be three committees) for the Prairie school. 

New Logo
Tim shared a graphic of the new Prairie Region Logo that was approved by the PRC. 

Tim advised that the PRC reviewed and voted on several resolutions.  They were only able to debate/discuss and vote on approx half of the resolutions submitted. Debate will continue via a conference call on Feb. 21st

If the PRC voted in favor of a resolution it would go forward through the convention committees to convention as carried by the PRC 

The following resolutions were debated:

  • to have a 2nd alternate REVP – carried
  • name change for the geographical rep with only one position for each province (Tim shared that he was not in favor) – more discussion will be had on the conference call)
  • Young workers Committee – wording change in accordance with the PSAC constitution – carried
  • Electronic voting at convention – carried
  • RWC caucus representation – delegate status – no vote required (regulation change only)
  • creation of Area Councils in the region – wording clarification (clause redundancy) – carried
  • PRC to promote sustainability of AC Committees - carried  
  • Prairie Regional Council – Quorum – word changes  i.e.: ensure to endeavor – carried
  • PRC to have only 1 face to face meeting – reduced from 2 – defeated
  • Minutes for PRC posted with 2 months – change to 75 days – defeated
  • Standing Committees to be identified in the by laws – carried
  • PSAC members who hold National elected titles be entitled to attend PR Convention – carried

Election of delegate from Area Council to Prairie Regional Convention 2014

Louise ran the election process by first explaining the process and confirming that appropriate notice had been sent out and posted on the web site.

Calling for nominations three times – only one nomination was received. 

Nomination for Trudy Lerat – nominated by Tim Hogan and seconded by Melanie Marking.
Trudy accepted the nomination and was therefore acclaimed as the delegate.
Trudy will submit her on line application tomorrow. 

Round Table discussions

Melanie – thanked the committee and indicated that she is happy to be on board and looking forward to working on the resurrection of the Women’s committee 

Louise – gave an update on bargaining, education and budget watch 

Frank – thanked the committee for welcoming him to join the meetings – He will be contacting Marianne regarding a spot at Prairie Convention.  He asked for Sister Shannon’s email to connect regarding education around Pension issues (Louise will provide) and he will be discussing a standing committee on Pensions with Sister Benson 

Trudy – thanked everyone for the election of delegate.  Now that she will be attending convention she will continue to help on the Host Committee 

Tim -added info
-regarding Bill 377 – won’t be till fall from the Senate
- believes tomorrow’s budget will be general not very significant but the next one will be more specific regarding sick leave and pension attacks.

Louise and Tim will work on recruiting members from NHU and CEIU for next meeting. 

Next meeting will be May 19th at 5:15 at the JMC library.
Meeting adjourned at approx 7:15 p.m.


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