Susan Norman PRC Report (Jan. 2014)

Susan Norman
Westman AC Rep
Prairie Region Council January 2014

I do not have too much to report since the last PRC Meeting.

We continue to struggle to have participation by locals in the area. We continue to hold WMAC meetings and try to encourage other brothers and sisters to participate.

I attend the Brandon Labour Council Meetings when time allows.

I took part in the National PSAC Equity Conference. I found it to be extremely exciting to be in a room with so many activists, it definitely gets the blood moving. It brought home that so many have the same struggles across all lines of equity.

The WMAC took part in December with decorating the United Way Christmas Tree and Auction.

We will continue to see if there is support for the WMAC Women’s Committee. I have been speaking with women and there still seems to be an interest to get it going. Due to health I have not been as diligent as I would have liked to be.

I will be attending the upcoming PSAC Bargaining Conference being held in Ottawa in mid February 2014.

Calendar of Events

October 18 & 19                   Prairie Region Council Meeting                           Winnipeg
October 22                            WMAC Executive Meeting                           Brandon
October 23                            Brandon Labour Council Meeting                        Brandon
October 30                            WMAC General Meeting                                         Brandon
November 4                          PRC Conference Call
November 7                          PRC National Officers Conference Call
November 18 -22                PSAC Equity Conference                           Ottawa
November 27                                   PRC Structure Conference Call
December 11                                   PRC Conference Call

In Solidarity,

Susan Norman

Our Organization: