Saskatoon Women's Committee Meeting Minutes


Minutes of February 18th, 2013

Attendance:Nancy Johnson (UTE), Nicole Wurm (AGR), Elena Beynon (AGR), Rosemary Neufeld (AGR), Karen Zoller (AGR) 

*"The January meeting had low attendance due to a snow storm, therefore this evenings agenda will first cover all items from the January  meeting prior to new business".  

Nancyattended the Leadership Summit and National Human Rights Committee meetings held in Ottawafrom November 3-December 5th.

The Women’s reps spent 1 ½ days discussing their theme and plans for the Women’s conference being held in Toronto at the Sheraton Hotel from November 18-21, 2013.  The Theme will be “Telling Our Stories, we are all affected”.  There will be workshops on the four main PSAC priorities.  Andree Cote, Women’s Program would like to see our regional conferences to have similar themes and/or priorities. The women’s reps will meet again in July/August for continual planning and review of resolutions.

Regional Women’s Conference will be held May 3-5 at the Banff Centre, the steering committee will consist of all the chairs of the RWC’s, Nancy-PRC Women’s Rep and Carm Chan, Regional Rep from Edmonton and Marianne REVP.  The 1st planning meeting was held with all the chairs of the RWC’s and we are working on the call out letter, it will be available on-line as well as from the Regional office.  Our theme will parallel the National conference, “Telling Our Stories”. Encourage sisters in your locals to register.

National H&SThe conference is in Montreal from April 12-14 and registration closed January 31st.  There are approx. 300 seats including observers, participants selected to attend will be notified early part of March.

March 8th- International Women’s Day
The Saskatoon Women’s Community Coalition is planning an event for the evening of Saturday, March 9th at the Farmer’s Market.  As we did last year, they are asking for our financial support and helping hands.  Poster is now available and posted on website. Advance ticket sales only, tickets are $10.00.  Any member willing to attend will be reimbursed the ticket price. 

Saskatchewan Women’s Forum 2013: Connecting Voices for Change
The event was held at the Bessborough Hotel evening of the January 18th and all day Saturday.  Marianne, Nicole and I attended from PSAC.  I was able to set up a display table with “We Are All Affected” campaign materials and the work of the women’s committees. The event was a huge success participant wise but the rooms were too crowded and very hot.  The guest speakers/panel had a diverse perception on women’s rights and the fight that is still ahead. Nancy was on the planning committee representing PSAC women and will follow-up with evaluations at a later date.  Committee agreed to sponsor Nancy and Nicole’s $50.00 registration fees.

December 6th- event was well attended and sponsored by our committee, our donation is still outstanding. 

Committee Funding and Reporting Procedures
The PRC has adopted a new reporting structure to ensure that all committees are reporting in the same manner.  It will ensure consistency in the region and prevent Alison from conducting numerous telephone calls asking for the financials and budget request.  Nancy provided copies of the new document and went through the templates for reporting.  The books and records need to be submitted to the PRC Women’s Rep by March 15th so that she can review that the package is complete and then she will forward to the REVP’s office. Funding requests will be reviewed with the Finance committee at a later date.

Elena will ensure that our books are in order and that they can be audited by the due date.


There are still outstanding expenses from 2012 that need to be reimbursed. Receipts provided for meeting dates, open house, December 6th, Shoebox gifts and Elena will review. 

Our Organization: