Prince Albert Area Council Meeting Minutes

Prince Albert Area Council Meeting
June 2nd, 2014
JM Library, Prince Albert 

Tim Hogan
Dennis Ernst
Frank McGregor
Trudy Lerat
Louise Mardell
Nancy Johnson

Regrets:  Melanie Markling 

-Call to order at 5:40

-Review of Harassment Policy
-Acceptance of the Agenda as presented 

Minutes from April 07, 2014 read by Tim Hogan – accepted as read 

Treasurer unable to be at this meeting – therefore no treasurers report available. 

Frank McGregor advised that he visited the Service Canada (CEIU) office and tried to recruit someone to attend AC 

Updates re Convention, Bargaining and Lobby reports:

Tim Hogan reported that he had a meeting with MP, Randy Hoback regarding closures of Veteran Affairs offices.  Mr. Hoback felt that veterans are being better serviced now.  Tim felt that Mr. Hoback is just holding the party line as his response to this was very different from meetings in the past.  He was usually very supportive in the past but has certainly changed his tune.  Tim sent his lobby report to the REVP’s office.  Frank McGregor also met with Mr. Hoback on this topic and the pension issues.  

Area Council convention delegate issues were settled and the AC delegate is confirmed. 

Tim provided a brief bargaining update – Bargaining teams (Treasury Board) will meet July 7- 11th – information is on the web site.  

Louise provided some information regarding the town hall multi local events.  Congratulations to the leadership in Prince Albert for the excellent turn out.  Further discussions regarding “standing together” and “no backing down” amongst the group.  Louise encouraged everyone to share ideas and strategies to engage the membership.    

Discussion regarding the boycott of Public Service Week and the difficulties in getting membership on board.  “How to convince the membership not to partake when they are so invested in the event?  Any suggestions or ideas should be shared through the regional office to all contacts. 

Other Business. 

- New date for mini school is August 22nd and 23rd.

- Need to get the AC and RAPC books done and audited by the end of the week. (must absolutely be in before convention)

- the bank has all the information they need to change the signatures on the account – the last thing to do is for Mel, Tim and Trudy to go to the bank and sign

- discussions regarding elections at convention – when what positions etc. 

- Plans for the Sept. labour day event – Tim will send out a notice to the RO for distribution.  The AC will make a donation to the event planners. 

Next meeting – Sept. 15th, 2014 at the library at 5:30 (will ask to have this posted on the web site) – Agenda to follow. 

Meeting adjourned and executive stayed to work on the book keeping records to audit.


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