Calgary RWC Minutes- April 2014

Calgary Regional Women’s Committee
RWC Minutes – April

In Attendance:                                                          

Chair:Deb Kosteniuk
Treasurer:Hazel Buchanan
Secretary:Emma Bertamini
Stephanie Vandewaeter
Tabassom Javadi
Regional Representative:Dolly Ablitt

1. Meeting Called to order

2. Adoption of Minutes from Feb 9, 2014 – Minutes Accepted

3. Terms of Reference – Updated.  Motioned by Stephanie  Seconded by Emma Bertamini

4. Nominations for PSAC Triennial Convention June 26th, 27th, 28th,29th:

  • Emma Bertamini and Deb Kosteniuk are already going with their components.
  • Stephanie Vandewaeter, nominated by Emma Bertamini seconded by Deb Kosteniuk
  • Tabassom Javadi, nominated by Deb Kosteniuk seconded by Stephanie Vandewaeter
  • Established that all funds will be paid for, voting results are as follows: Stephanie Vandewaeter for Delegate and Tabassom Javadi as Alternate

5. Financials – Hazel Buchanan Bank Account:

  • There are 3 signatories. Deb Kosteniuk, Hazel Buchanan and Emma Bertamini, we are using TD Canada Trust
  • International Women’s Day Event we have 2 receipts. One was from Dolly that purchased gifts, gift cards and door prizes in the amount of $240. April had picked up meat and cheese trays in the amount of $156.43 which means we were over the budgeted amount of $350 by $46.43. It was agreed that this cost would be approved as another group was supposed to supply gift cards in the amount of $500 and they were unable too. Motion to reimburse the increased donation for the International Women’s Day Event $46.43 by Hazel Buchanan and all were in favour.
  • We had 2 cheques from the Region. One is for $2,000 that was left over from last year 2013 that was deposited into our account.
  • The other cheque is what was left in the bank account from the last committee before it disbanded, less the money that Dolly had used for the meal for the January meeting in the amount of $609.40
  • We had requested $3,100 from our budget proposal and are still awaiting the final amount that will be approved by the Region.

5. Women Together Ending Poverty – Deb and Dolly attended the fundraiser it was a fairly small gathering approx. 20 – 25 others. They had a couple of speakers, live music and did a silent auction for jewellery as part of the fundraising and served refreshments and light snacks.They were raising funds to send 3 women to The All Our Sisters National Forum on Homelessness, the group approached the RWC at the International Women’s Day Event and asked if we would help sponsor them. Deb will be forwarding a proposal to the Social Justice Fund for the remainder of the amount $1,050 and all in attendance agreed. They have fully funded 2 women to go and still need to fund the 3rd and help with the cost of the video they are making.

6. Tabaasom Javadi raised attention that we need to get more attention out there to get other women to join this committee, there appears to be a problem getting information for women that do field work. Emma is opening a Facebook account. We also encouraged that members give their emails to the PSAC office so that they get all updates.

7. Hazel brought up the 5k walk in June and to register on the Scotia Bank and look under the Women’s Centre. The team is named The Sole Sisters and our colour is purple so we are looking out for things we can use for the team such as purple laces.

8. There is Globalfest meeting that Deb will attend on Wednesday. Stephanie made a motion that Deb be reimbursed loss of wages to attend and this was seconded by Hazel. The theme is combating racism and ending discrimination. The Brown Bag lunches are to be held at The John Dutton Theatre.

  • Aug 11th - The immigrant and refugee experience
  • Aug 12th- Education matters for an inclusive society|
  • Aug 13th- Fighting inequality by engaging the marginalized
  • Aug 14th Catalyst for change the Aboriginal Experience
  • Aug 15th- Creating an inclusive and multicultural workplace in Calgary
  • The Friday will be used to promote Equity in the Labour Market.

Steph asked whether the Kitchen Table Conversations had been scheduled. As of yet no date was set but we will be doing a session close to the Sisters in Spirit Walk possibly bringing in Autumn Eagle Speaker that will be in October and therefore the Kitchen Table Conversations will likely be in November. Once Deb knows more she will update us.

9. Emma said that she received an email regarding a Certificate Program for Emerging Women Leaders and it’s for a fully funded scholarship to attend a 7 week course in Nova Scotia, targeted at emerging women leaders that are working on development issues and that have a minimum of 4 years experience in leadership and that have a great drive and passion for their work. Please share this email.

10. Tabassom Javadi mentioned that there are many women that are not working in their career of choice or what they have studied for. She wonders if there is anything we can do to help women work in their field and maybe offer it to younger people. Emma says keeping connected in groups such as RWC can help you obtain more information that the women share by networking, but also that this is something that may be more for the local components to post career possibilities. Tabassom also says rather than giving money to other organizations we should use it to help us get different jobs.  Hazel said that we don’t just “give” money to organizations, but that it is money that is used to help create awareness and suggests using a job board at the Women’s Centre. Steph advises that if there is something specific that women in the workplace need or if they need help or resources that RWC could offer, then to bring it up at a meeting and we will always look at it. Emma says that anything that empowers a woman and helps her get ahead then we will support if we can.

11. Round Table  

  • Stephanie says great job, it looks like everything is taking off    
  • Tabassom Javadi says thank you for accepting me and we all agree that it is great and invite more.

12.   Meeting adjourned.  Next Meeting is May 12th

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