Shaun Brennand PRC Report (June 2014)

Shaun Brennand
Regina Area Council Representative

It is my privilege and pleasure, to present this report to the delegates at convention.  As my second term comes to an end, I look back to the rewards and challenges this position has offered.  The past few years have not been easy for union activists.  The government has continually pounded the public service, decimating member’s jobs and lively hoods in its wake.  Workers’ rights and privileges are being targeted constantly to the point where the rights to bargain collectively, could be a thing of the past.  Adding to our challenges, the grassroots ranks of our own union have become filled with apathy; to the point where the existence of many council’s and committees of the Prairie region are in jeopardy. Our councils and committee need these members back, helping us activist performing the tasks that keep our union viable.

During my term, I have worked hard to fulfil the mandates that I have been tasked with.  My role as PRC Rep has been to bring the challenges forward to Regina Area Council and to help our where I could.  Unfortunately, my personal life has also brought on challenge with family and personal health issues as well as a very demanding job which has added another province to my responsibility and many nights away from home.  Saying this, I know that it is now my time to step aside. The next few years are going to be interesting to say the least. To my successor, you are taking on a huge amount of responsibility. It is important to maintain a balance of family, work and union volunteerism in your life.

During my tenure, I worked on the following committees;

Education Committee:

  • Reviewed the current regional education program that is coming to a close. There were a huge number of participants in 2010/2011.
  • Help prepare an e-mail survey and specific meetings in each of the regional offices and other areas to gather feedback.
  • Discussed pilot program for the Prairies Facilitator Network.
  • Discussed key activities to include in the next education cycle. These are subject to change because there has not been consultation with members as of yet. Possibilities include: bargaining and union school as there was not a union school in the last three-year cycle.
  • Specific roles for the education committee: basic consultations, promote the education program, encourage and support the AF network. Ensure the pilot project is successful. Make sure everyone is aware of the network and know whom the AF in their areas is and if they so choose that they can utilize it.

Bylaws Committee

  • First Committee meeting in April 2012 to discuss changes to bylaws.
  • Ongoing conference calls throughout the term.
  • Chaired ad-hoc committee on PRC structure to help aid changes to existing bylaws

Respectfully Submitted,

Shaun Brennand
Prairie Regional Representative to Regina and District Area Council.

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