Tim Hogan PRC Report (June 2014)

Tim Hogan
Prince Albert Area Council Representative

We participated in two Idle No More marches and arranged a presentation for the public to explain what Idle No More is all about. This was held in the auditorium of the John M Cuelenaere Public Library. There were roughly 100 attendees from the public that attended this event.

We participated and assisted in sponsoring the attempt to complete the world’s largest round dance in July hosted by NAMC at Kinsmen Park.

We hosted the “we are all affected” training campaigners.

Met with local Presidents from PIPS and UCCO to discuss joint planning for some type of action to take place in front of our MP’s office.  

Attended Alliance Facilitor Workshop to develop courses for mini-school events.


Contacted our MP to discuss the private members bill to eliminate the Rand formula.  We did not receive a response.

Phoned local MP 3 times and e-mailed in regard to budget bill – no response was received.

Discussed the closure of Veteran Affairs offices with our Local MP. He indicated that the veterans were now getting better service, when I expressed my dismay at his statement he stated that “Oh, yeah they are.” 

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