Gregory Krokosh PRC Report (Sept. 2014)

Gregory Krokosh
Lethbridge Area Council Rep
Prairie Region Council September 2014 

After an absence from Council for six years, I look forward to the opportunities to work with Brothers and Sisters from across the Region for the benefit of members. 

Since our Convention I have been busy with our Component Convention where I was elected delegate to the upcoming PSAC National Convention and acclaimed for a second term as Alternate Regional Vice-President for Rocky Mountains Regions, Union of Taxation Employees. 

I was on the organizing committee for the Lethbridge & District Labour Council's 1st annual Labour Day BBQ and was safety officer for the event held on Saturday, August 30. Hamburgers, hot dogs, sno-cones, popcorn and water were served to approximately 300. We are all affected buttons were distributed and several discussions were held with members of the public. Participation included members of UFCW, USW, CUPW, PIPSC and PSAC. 

I look forward to the first meeting of this new Council. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Gregory Krokosh

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