Prince Albert and District Area Council Meeting Minutes

Prince Albert Area Council Meeting

October 8, 2014-10-09

JM Library, Prince Albert

Present:  Tim Hogan, Denni Ernst, Nick Pawlak, Paul Daigneault, Dave Beeds, Dallas Auger, Rachel McLaughlin, Trudy Lerat

Call to Order 17:30

Review of Harassment Policy

Acceptance of Agenda as presented

Minutes from June 2, 2014 read by Tim Hogan – accepted as read

Treasurer unable to be at this meeting – therefore no treasurer report available.

No Old business

Updates re Conventions Bargaining:

Tim Hogan and Denni Ernst presented reports from the PSAC and USGE conventions that were held this year as well as the last RPC meeting.  Discussion took place in regard to strike action and plans to get ready should one be called.

Paul brought up the JLP and how there has been no training for quite some time and asked if we could bring it up at our next LMC.  It will be brought forward.

The upcoming courses on Health and Safety, Mental Health, and disabilities were announced and members were encouraged to apply.

Call for nominations for delegate to PSAC Convention in July 2015:

Paul nominated Dave seconded by Trudy.  There were no other nominations.  Dave Beeds was therefore nominated to attend.

Dave nominated Nick as an alternate seconded by Paul.

Nick nominated Denni seconded by Dave.

No other nominations vote held.  5 votes cast for Nick 2 for Denni.  Nick Pawlak declared alternate.

Round Table:  discussion took place in regard to assisting our brothers and sisters who are on Picket lines.  Dave presented a motion that we make a $100.00 contribution to the Bus Drivers Union Saskatoon and a $100.00 contribution to Richardson Milling Martinsville.  Vote held – unanimously carried.

Next Meeting date: November 10th

Meeting Adjourned.      

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