Regina Area Council Minutes (October 15, 2014)

Regina Area Council
Meeting Minutes
October 15, 2014
Melissa Brandt – Chair
Satinder Bains – Vice-Chair
Dan Grunert, Treasurer
Brett Pollard, Secretary
Tim Hubick, L4A008
Michelle Lang, RWC Chari
Daniela Aubichon, L40005
Diane Allen, PSAC Representative
The meeting commenced at 5:35 p.m.
M/S/C Dan/Tim
That the agenda be adopted as circulated.
Adoption of the meeting minutes for the September 18, 2014 meeting was deferred to the next meeting as the minutes were not available.
Treasurer’s Report:
Brother Dan reported the bank balance was $1,948.93 on September 30, 2014.
M/S/C Dan/Daniela
To reimburse Brother Satinder the amount of $42.30 for dinner expenses.
Update by PRC Representative:
Brother Satinder reported the first meeting of PRC was held in conjunction with the recent Prairie Region Summit.  The PRC established dates for meeting over the next three year term.  Meetings will be a combination of teleconference and face to face.  Areas of responsibility were established for each member of PRC.  Brother Satinder noted they are looking for equity representatives to connect with Locals and Committees in both Regina and Saskatoon.
After some discussion it was agreed Sister Melissa would contact Sister Deana Getz, the Southern SK representative on PRC and invite her to begin attending Regina Area Council meetings.
Resolutions to PSAC Convention:
The package of ten resolutions circulated with the meeting agenda together with two additional resolutions titled Reduce Social Justice Demand in Bargaining and Ratification Voting were debated and voted on.
M/S/C Dan/Brett
That Area Council endorse and submit resolutions 1, 3, 4, the first be it resolved of resolution 5, resolutions 8, 9, 10; and, the Reduce Social Justice Demand in Bargaining and Ratification Voting resolutions.
Update by PSAC Representative:
Sister Allen reported Clint Wirth, Prairie Region Health and Safety officer will be touring the Region to speak on Bill C-4.  He will be in Regina on October 21 at the Regina RO; the meeting starts at 5:30 p.m.  Brother Clint will also be making some visits to local workplaces.
Sister Allen also reported that registration is now open for the Prairie Activists school which is scheduled for November 22-24.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.  Next meeting: November 26, 2014
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