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Area Council

October 25, 2016 - 11:25am •
Please RSVP your attendance or regrets to:  Jeff Sexton at 573-3796 or wrench@westman.wave.ca Agenda United Way Christmas tree auction Bargaining Updates PRC update Resolutions to Prairie Region Convention Elections of: 1) VP of Westman Area Council;  and 2) PRC A/C rep Election – candidate for PSAC regional convention Points from the Floor Next Meeting…
October 24, 2016 - 12:00am •
Attending: Greg Ballendine; Susan Brown; Lorelei Topnik; Nestor Galarnyk; Gus Mardli; Matt Tijani; Tracy Grove; Frank Janz; Jason Lee; Simon Baer; Jennifer Tiller (Via Conference Call)
October 20, 2016 - 12:00am •
Attendance: Jackie Nettleton, Doug Kopko, Garry Cherneske, Elena Beynon, Val Illingworth, Staff: Louise Mardell, Regional Rep, Nancy Johnson, Admin
October 18, 2016 - 12:00am •
Attendees: Alec Goertzen, President; Dale Marianicz, Vice-President; Phillip Chan, Treasurer; Kevin King (UNE 30186); Allison Tse (UTE 30024); Jaison Van Tine (UNE 30117); Meghraj Khadka (UNE 30117) Honoured Guests: Raj Hari, RO Rep; Dave Burchell (UNE – Alberta RVP); Angad Hundal (UNE – Alberta ARVP)
October 18, 2016 - 12:00am •
Present: Vice President: Ben Lemon; Treasurer: Kim Haynes; Mildred Ncube; Joe Sunu; Kara Rathie; Staff Present: Nina Babcook, Regional Representative
October 13, 2016 - 10:36am •
Prince Albert and District Area Council September 15, 2016 Present: France Trembley-Franc, Dave Beeds, Louise Mardell (PSAC staff), Nancy Johnson (PSAC staff), Christina Creosot, Val Remy, Alicia Miller, Melanie Trendocher, Rabia Chaudhari. Agenda is adopted Motion by Christina, and seconded by Rabia
October 12, 2016 - 12:58pm •
The Edmonton Area Council would like to invite all PSAC members to join them at their next meeting on Tuesday, October 18th, 2016 @ 5:30 p.m. at the Edmonton Regional Office (10665 Jasper Avenue, Suite 670)
September 28, 2016 - 1:00am •
Meeting minutes for September 28,2016
September 22, 2016 - 6:42pm •
Edmonton Area Council Meeting 20 September 2016 Called to order 17:31 Present: Vice President: Ben Lemon , Mildred Ncube, Joe Sunu, & Kara Rathie & Chris Beaton Staff Present: Karoline Klug, Regional Representative Adoption of the Agenda Minutes: Adoption of 12 July minutes Final Details of the Solidary Brunch were discussed Planning of CLIFF (Canada Labour Int’l Film Festival): Date will be the at 1730 17 November (Thursday). New business: Discuss Steve’s Resolution – as it needs to be submitted by the 8 Dec.
September 16, 2016 - 2:55pm •
The Winnipeg Area Council would like to invite you to this meeting to elect their Rep to the PRC and/or their Delegate to the Triennial Regional Convention


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