AFL Kids' Camp - Sponsorship Opportunity

The 22nd Annual AFL Kids’ Camp, sponsored by the Alberta Federation of Labour, will be held August 8 - 12, 2016 at the Goldeye Centre near Nordegg. See the attached AFL flyer for more information.

The PSAC Prairie Region Council has approved the Mary Veilleux Memorial Sponsorship to fund at least one child of a PSAC member. If no requests are received, the money will be sent to the AFL Kids’ Camp as a donation. Any interested member with a child between the ages of 8 to 15 should submit an application and short essay (approximately 100 words) answering the question, “What do I like about unions?”

As well as funding PSAC members’ children to the camp, we anticipate that we will be able to cover the cost of a camp councilor, if one is required, to give members the opportunity to volunteer at the camp. Although this line item may not fully fund a camp councilor, it will go a long way to ensure PSAC’s involvement.

Please include your Component/DCL, Local, and contact information (phone and email). Following the camp, the selected participants will be required to submit a report of activities to the Prairie Region Council.

The deadline to submit applications is Monday, May 2 at noon. Applicants will be notified if their child has been selected for the subsidy, or they have been selected as a councilor. Submit applications to Alison Davis by email:, fax: (204) 943-0652, or by mail: Suite 460-175 Hargrave Street, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 3R8.

Please pass this information along to members in your Local who have or know of children that might be interested in this opportunity.