This 3 hour workshop is targeted to Local executive members and activists. The goal of the course is to assist these members in having important one on one conversations with in their members and communities on key election topics.
This 3 hour workshop is targeted to Local executive members and activists. The goal of the course is to assist these members in having important one on one conversations with in their members and communities on key election topics.
This two-day course for union stewards will develop participants’ knowledge, skills, and confidence in effectively solving problems at the workplace prior to filing grievances. A major portion of time will be spent on the relevant technical skills i.e. identifying, investigating, writing up, and presenting grievances.
This Friday night/Saturday course is the union’s key “introductory” education event. If you have wondered what it means to be a union member, how the PSAC works, and what happens to your dues dollars, then Talking Union Basics provides answers to these questions. The course also introduces the collective agreement, your employee rights and your rights as a member of the PSAC. You will learn about the many opportunities to be active in the union and ways you can make a contribution to building strong locals in the Prairie region.
POSTPONED UNTIL FURHTER NOTICE (AS OF AUG.25) members who have registered for the original course will be notified by email
1 day in classroom style training course
7.5 hours commitment for follow up activist work around the federal election (door knocking, phone banks)
The course objective is to know the impacts of the Conservative governments policies and actions; to be a able to have political conversations about the upcoming election with members and the public; develop skills and confidence in having door-to-door conversations in the Canadian Labour Congress targeted ridings both located in Winnipeg.
1 day in classroom style training course
1 day commitment for follow up activist work around the federal election (door knocking, phone banks)
The course objective is to know the impacts of the Conservative governments policies and actions; to be a able to have political conversations about the upcoming election with members and the public; develop skills and confidence in having door-to-door conversations in the Canadian Labour Congress targeted ridings both located in Winnipeg.
1 day in classroom style training course
1 day commitment for follow up activist work around the federal election (door knocking, phone banks)
The course objective is to know the impacts of the Conservative governments policies and actions; to be a able to have political conversations about the upcoming election with members and the public; develop skills and confidence in having door-to-door conversations in the Canadian Labour Congress targeted ridings both located in Winnipeg.