1.)Call to order
2.)PSAC Statement on Harassment
3.)Adoption of Agenda
4.)Guest speakers:► Dominique Arbez,
Université de Saint-Boniface► Maureen Morrison,
CUPE Equality Rep (Retired)
Speaking on the Pan-Canadian Week of Action on Child Care, an issue of significant importance to PSAC and many of its members
5.)Minutes of March 2015 meeting
6.)Chair’s Report
7.)Treasurer’s Report
Please see attached poster for the MAY DAY gathering and march.
On behalf of the Winnipeg Area Council, Winnipeg Human Rights Council and the Winnipeg Women's Committee, we would like to invite all our brothers and sisters within PSAC join us on MAY 01, 2015 at Winnipeg City Hall at 5:30 for a gathering and speakers followed by a march.
Winnipeg Regional Women’s Committee AGM
Call to Order
Approval of the Agenda:
Review and approval of minutes from March 2015 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Previous business:
Report on way ahead work from regional team
New business:
Potential speaker for May meeting
Next meeting date, time and location:
Social time- Dessert and door prize draw
PSAC Regional Boardroom175 Hargrave Street, WinnipegTuesday, 17 February 2015 5:15PM
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the Agenda:
3. Review and approval of minutes from January 2015 meeting
4. Treasurer’s Report:
5. Previous business:(i) Report on way ahead work from regional team(ii) Suggested RWC program for 2015
6. Election of executive for 2015(i) Chair(ii) Co-chair(iii) Secretary(iv) Treasurer
Winnipeg PSAC Regional Boardroom
175 Hargrave Street Suite 460
Tuesday, 13 January 2015 5:15PM
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the Agenda:
3. Review and approval of minutes from November 2014 meeting
4. Treasurer’s Report:
5. Previous business:(i) Report on Sister’s United event on 6 December 2014(ii) Report on Seasonal Celebration 2014(iii) Report on way ahead work from regional team