Book Launch: "From Demonized to Organized: Building the New Union Movement"

Union renewal is a vital topic for us all. As unions, public services, and the very notions of collective well-being and responsibility continue to be attacked, there is great need for collective action. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) and the Manitoba Teachers' Society (MTS) are very pleased to announce that they have arranged for Nora Loreto to come to Winnipeg to launch and discuss her new book, "From Demonized to Organized: Building the New Union Movement". Nora has written this book for the unorganized young worker, explaining what unions are, why they're important, and why they need to engage in broad social and political issues. It has chapters on union basics, the role of unions in challenging governments, neoliberal attacks on workers and citizens, new ways or organizing, and much more. The book is also highly relevant to those already fully immersed in union work. _________________________________

FROM THE INTRODUCTION: "This book seeks to explain unionization to my generation; to my friends who distrust civil society organizations as much as they distrust government; to my unemployed friends who are living from contract to contract and who would kill for a stable, unionized job; for the workers who have never had the benefit of being represented when facing injustice at work; for the workers who would rather not think of what would happen if they were injured on the job. It's a reminder to unionized folks that many of the truths that they take for granted are not obvious to others and that the labour movement must change how it reaches out to its members, its communities and to non-unionized workers if it hopes to grow. It's a call to action for activists to share their stories, debunk the existing right-wing, anti-union rhetoric, re-engage in their communities, and build a movement that can defeat neoliberal policies and their political proponents."


The CCPA and MTS also are excited about the possibility of bringing together senior labour leaders from all over Manitoba to hear from Nora, and also to share ideas about motivating, engaging, and responding to young workers. On October 9th at 4:30 pm, the Manitoba Teachers' Society will host Nora Loreto at a free event at their building on Portage Avenue and Harcourt Street. All MFL provincial affiliate presidents, vice presidents, executive directors, and senior communications staff are hereby invited to attend. Senior elected leadership and staff within the Teachers' Society will also be in attendance. This is a free event. The basic format will be a presentation by Nora Loreto on her book, and an opportunity for Q and A and discussion afterward. Light snacks will be available for all. If able to attend, please RSVP to Paul Olson, MTS President, at, and Cc: Dave Sauer at , BEFORE 4:00pm, on Monday, SEPTEMBER 30TH. Space is limited.
