Calgary AC Minutes (June 2012)

RO Contact:    Dolly Ablitt

 Calgary Area Council Minutes June 5 2012


Alex Goertzen              President (#30036)

Dale Marianicz            Vice President (#30046)

Janet Parris                 Secretary (#30024)

Cathy Martens            #30186

Rosanne Gherasim      #30856

Steve Pellerin-Fowlie  #30036

Dolly Ablitt                  PSAC RO


Jenna Adams               Treasurer (#30186)

The meeting started promptly at 5:30pm.  Br Goertzen welcomed all and made introductions of all attendees.

Br. Goertzen presented the April 2012 AGM minutes for review & adoption.  Sis Martens requested a change be made to show correct spelling of her last name and a few grammatical corrections.  Br. Goertzen requested a change to Page 3 – expenses to be paid in accordance to Bylaws be noted as $150 and not $100. 
Br. Goertzen moved for adoption; seconded by Sis Gherasim – CARRIED

Br. Goertzen moved to adopt the Agenda; seconded by Sis Parris – CARRIED

Financial Report:

Br. Goertzen noted all new signatories for the new Executive are in place.

Br. Goertzen reported the scheduled cross-audit with the Human Rights Committee (HRC) is on hold at the moment as Officers of HRC have not been elected at this time.  He has been in contact with the Chair of HRC to find out when it can be done and is waiting for a response.  The cross- audit is to be completed by the end of June so timing will be tight.  Br. Goertzen may inquire with Regional office to request extension .  No further detail on financials to report.

Old Business:
Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) - 100 Year Celebration
:  Br. Goertzen reported Calgary had been hoping to co-sponsor something or work together with Edmonton Area Council (EAC) on an event – in particular the June 16th Celebration in the Park.  Our budget was $200 for recognition of AFL anniversary.  He advised that as there were not enough volunteers for Edmontonto host a booth, what EAC chose instead was get Park passes to attend.  Calgarywas offering a walkabout tour to labour history sites hosted by rep from CURC; there was also opportunity for making donations for sponsorship of AFL 100th anniversary flags for display on a building.  As there are no other events in Calgarythe only remaining thought is sponsoring a flag, possibly at the PSAC RO building.  Dialogue with Sis. Ablitt as to whether or not one can be displayed, but it just could be too late.  Everything is happening in Edmontondue to AFL being located there.  Br. Goertzen advised we may to late notice to participate now but he will look into the flag and if not possible, this will be closed.

National Day of Mourning – April 27th:  Br. Goertzen was in attendance on behalf of CAC, along with Sis. Ablitt.  There were approximately 25 attendees to the Calgary District Labour Council (CDLC) sponsored event at City Hall - the City of Calgary Workers Memorial(EdwardPlacePark). There were different Unions laying wreaths.  The ceremony included names of those killed on the job throughout Alberta; this also included the cause of death.  Member from the Canadian Labour Council spoke, as well as the Mayors office (Ald. Chabot) read the Mayors proclamation.  A wreath was layed at the Memorial on behalf of PSAC-CAC (as per April budget).

New Business:
Public Service Week Boycott: 
Emails from National President and the Regional Executive Vice President regarding the affected letters that have come out in the last 6 weeks to 2 months to many departments, there is a campaign for PSAC membersto boycott workplace activities that Employers are putting on.  Doesn’t seem much sense to celebrate in light of what is going on.  Sis. Gherasim noted employers are putting it on however the arrangements are being delegated down to the employees to make the arrangements.  Discussions between all as to how the funding is coming from different areas – with some it is from their own Operating budgets –  some employers are doing it to make everyone ‘feel good’. Things done in the past – Sis. Martens advised pizza and cake in the 3 passport areas (this week, not during Public Service Week) – Parks is doing nothing as the feeling is not good at the moment.  Br. Pellerin-Fowlie (Sunridge, HHB and Airport) hoped to get something done for these areas.  Lengthy discussion as to what could be done.  It was also suggested by Sis Martens that events be scheduled out of Public Service Week, however PSAC is expected to do something “that” week

PSAC is fully on board to inform members to boycott workplace events in favour of us having our own.  The organizing is delegated down to Area Council’s to coordinate as much as possible.  Br. Goertzen sent out an email May 24 to selected Locals for input on activity participation.  Sis. Martens mentioned the difficulty of hosting lunch events with the different locations – how everything is done at HHB – all the outlying areas don’t get to participate as they have no time, parking, etc.  It was decided to request components to contact the PSAC office for cakes as they have done cakes in the past, but with a ‘special’ message around the ‘Send Stephen Harper his “affected” letter’ that PSAC recently launched. 

Decision to serve cake at interactive sites to generate letters at HHB, CIA, & Sunridge, with other locations to have cake and offer of website to issue affected letter (to Fisher Park, Parks/Industry/PWGS/Heritage, and CFIA/Agri sites). Participation from PRC reps (Alec & Dave) will be necessary for the interactive sites.  It has been requested that pictures be taken at these events to post on the Web  - OPEN

Summer Campaign – We Are All Affected:  Br. Goertzen advised PSAC will begin a campaign to inform the public to the cuts in services and what it means to them.  The best way this campaign is being pushed is through attending some events during the summer such as Calgary Folk Festival, Calgary Stampede, Summer Games, Globalfest, etc  PSAC will make cards similar to the cards they made for the Public Service Week, to be given out to the public events to get the public perception changed.  A budget for Calgarywas proposed to allow attendance for volunteers at the event for the purpose of getting the cards out to public.   Sis Martens asked how long this campaign is to run.  Br. Goertzen advised it included the Labour Day Barbecue and focused on events where there would be large gatherings.  A request for Volunteers will will be out by the end of the month in order to be ready for soon to come events.  Stay tuned.  - OPEN

Prairie H&S Conference:  Br. Goertzen advised this is scheduled to happen November 17 & 18 in Edmonton.  As a PRC rep, Br. Goertzen is on the organizing committee.  This year’s topic is focusing on dealing with Mental Health in the workplace. Requests for resolutions and registration should be out by September.  - INFO

HRC Events – Globalfest Volunteers, August 16-26, 2012PSAC-HRC is once again a sponsor to the event, and so is spearheading coordinating volunteers.  Tickets will be on reduced price for volunteers.  Assistance will be need with the Human Rights forum on Aboriginal Issues and Rights going on that week in the lunchtime at the John Dutton Theater of the downtown Library.   Info on the fourm is available on the Globalfest website, and volunteers can contact the HRC thru website.  - INFO

PRC Update:  As a result of resolution passing at National Convention, there is now opportunity for creation of area Youth Committees.  Discussions took place as to the criteria, age limit is 30, and arequirement for 3 components to be recognized at the AEC.  Funding for Youth Committees will start in 2013.  - INFO

There will be an election coming for Alternate REVP.  The whole election will be done by mail-in ballot for the delegates of the Prairie Region Convention held in Winnipegin 2011.  It is expected this will be finalized by this fall.  Sis. Martens expressed concern with the timing of this as some delegates may not be able to participate as they won’t be employed & not member in good standing based on the current WFA actions in workplaces.

Prairie Region Convention in 2014 is planned for Regina.  Convention committee from PRC is in progress of pursing & making arrangements.  - INFO

Other matters:
Br. Goertzen moved he be reimbursed for the wreath presented on the National Day of Mourning $157.50 and parking.  Seconded by Br. Marianicz – CARRIED

CDLC has an organizing meeting on June 6 for the Labor Day BBQ.  Br. Goertzen will be attending for CAC.

Round table – nothing to add.


Date, location and time of the next meeting:  September 13, 2012   5:30pm

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm. 

Our Organization: