Calgary AC Minutes (November 2012)

Calgary AC Minutes - November, 14, 2012


 Alec Goertzen -  President (#30036)
Dale Marianicz - Vice President (#30046)
Jenna Adams - Treasurer (#30186)
Janet Parris - Secretary (#30024)

Dolly Ablitt -  PSAC RO
Jacqueline Moody -  30036
Rosanne Gherasim - 30056

The Meeting started promptly at 6:15pm.

Br Goertzen presented the June 2012 minutes for review & adoption. Br. Goertzen moved for adoption; seconded by Sis Adams - CARRIED

Br Goertzen moved to adopt the Agenda; seconded by Sis Adams - CARRIED

Financial Report:
Presented by Br Goertzen. Current account balance was presented and some notable changes to annual dispersement of funding from Wpg/HQ were explained. Some of the money expensed will be returned. PRC update – allocations are coming without the cross audit. We have received the $1,500 out of Winnipeg for operating funds, the allocations by Wpg for National Office funding have changed. The $500 which has always been held back by Area Council (AC) to fund a delegate to go to Regional Convention every 3 years will now be held back by Winnipeg ; additional funds of $200 for National Convention will now also be held by Wpg. This not only will make for ease of accounting the REVP office, but also put money for direct use by the AC. Allocations should dispersed by Wpg Regional office very soon.

Over the summer, for ease of purpose, AC expensed $343 for Public Service Week for the cakes (paid to Dolly); $55 for the poster board cheque which is used between the three committees; HRC Committee $300 for the Labour Day Barbecue. Day of Action September 15th supplies expensed to Dolly (paint brushes for banner, food, park fee) $473, $231 to Alec, $365 to M& M. We have two cheques for reimbursement $365 and one for $770 (Day of Action and Labour Day Barbecue).
Motion by Sis Adams to pay the expenses of: $343, $473, $231 and $365. Seconded by Br Marianicz - CARRIED

Old Business:

Public Service Week:
This action, though sprung on us last minute, actually went very well by all reports. The cakes were a big hit by many of those areas we were able to get to. Pictures are on the website. Feedback received indicates there was an impact to distract from Public Service Week. No further dealings with Calgary Coop as they refuse to make the cakes we requested, and so we opted to Safeway who were happy to accommodate. Sis Hladun was to send a letter to Calgary Coop District office regarding the cakes.

Summer Campaign Update:
“We Are All Affected “– we had members present at the Calgary Folk Festival and Globalfest to had out our information (info cards, stickers, buttons). Well done here in Calgary and was met with interest by the public. Both events well attended. Feel we have had an impact in making public aware of the affect the budgets cuts are having.

PRC Update:
Allocations: Already discussed under Financial Report. Cross Audit will still have to happen – just not this year.

H & S Conference: Happening this weekend (Nov. 17-18) in Edmonton and Br Goertzen is on the Committee. Br Goertzen has no idea what the Agenda is. Please check the PSAC-Prairies website for updates on the conference.

Education Planning Session 2013 – 2015: Judy Shannon, the Education Officer for Prairie Region is hosting education/ information planning sessions about the next three years. Planning on what sort of courses should be mandated to be done, new ideas people want to look at developing or need to be developed, how regular they need to be... The sessions are open to all Locals but preference would for someone with an education portfolio in their Local to come and represent their interests. For Calgary, date is set for December 12th. No time as yet, but a notice from the RO will be forthcoming with details. There is also an online survey about the Education planning which has been put out on the Prairies website, and this will take everyone’s interest and preliminary ideas to the session regarding the education plans for the Prairie Region in the next three years.

New Business:
Worksock Campaign: This was an idea that came up out of the budget planning at AGM. It began sometime in August/September. The Drop-In Centre got in touch with the Human Rights Committee and advised they were in a crisis at that time – they needed socks! Passport and CBSA collected 3 to 4 bags of socks to meet the need. There is a picture on the website.

The Drop in Centre later advised they would be proceeding with a campaign for Christmas. The AC budgeted $800 for the campaign to be city-wide, however we did not get that amount from allocations. Sis Adams said they have socks and Br Goertzen said CBSA did a second round collection and is kicking off the campaign again with the assistance of Sis Moody, not other Local has been able to incorporate this campaign into their office at this time. It is hoped to wrap up and deliver the sock packages to the Center by December 15th. Sis Moody has been in contact with supply companies (soaps, deodorants), and Calgayr Dentists... but a plan needs to be finalized to go forward. Sis Adams suggested that due to minimal involvement by Calgary Locals, to use some budget money to buy things to put in or stuff in the socks. Br Goertzen suggested Sis Adams coordinate with Sis Moody.

A discussion took place regarding what should go in the socks, what should be purchased. Br Goertzen advised Sis Adams $350 be used for the campaign to purchase extras. Sis Adams moved to have the$350 paid by cheque right away to her for the Worksock Campaign and she will coordinate this weekend with Sis Moody, Seconded by Sis Parris. Carried
Christmas/Seasonal Social: The Social will be held on December 18th from 6pm to 9pm at the PSAC Office. All the Committes (AC, HRC, RWC) will be funding this event as in the past. The invite usually asks for food or cash donations to support a local charity. Further discussion was held regarding which charity would be chosen for the cash/food donation. Br Goertzen will discuss with RO staff about sending out notice.

By-Election Calgary Centre: This became an important issue to action and falls in the Area Council’s mandate of political action in the community. With the help of Winnipeg, a flyer was created and sent to members in the riding in hopes to help them make an informed vote. As the AC has to stay non-partisan, the flyer essentially requests members elect the candidate who will support the workers, in.

Round Table: Nothing was added by all of those attending.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm



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