RO Contact: Alec Goertzen / Raj Hari
Minutes - Human Rights Committee Meeting – May 9, 2012
CalgaryRegional Office
Those in Attendance:
Evelyn Egger, Garth Caron, Timothy Hunt, Dale Marianiucz, Emma Bertamini, Victoria Budd, Raj Hari
Congratulations to Robyn Benson on her newly elected position-President PSAC.
Review of the previous
- Motion to accept the previous minutes – Garth, seconded by Emma.
Budget presented by Timothy, discussion ensued, final numbers are now published and will be sent to Ottawa/ Region (attachment):
- Motion to accept the revised Budget > Evelyn, seconded by Garth
Timothy gave a brief presentation about Social Justice Program, and how the PSAC
Social Justice Program works, and how we have received sponsorship. Included was a brief history of the committee and our work to date. The result was a $2,500 sponsorship from the Social Justice Fund for our event.
- Motion to write cheque $2500 – GlobalFest > Timothy, seconded by Garth
Funds are expected from Social Justice Fund shortly via Louise Casselman
GlobalFest: A thank-you was sent out for our participation and our volunteerism for 2011 citizenship ceremony. The ceremony was a complete success! GlobalFest have requested we provide volunteers for that event again this year. Our committee has accepted the request and we will send out a call to our current volunteer list during the Aboriginal Awareness event in June 21st, 2012. Louise Casselman will be providing the cheque to the Calgary Regional Office
A cheque for our sponsorship was due and our committee has enough to cover the cheque, GlobalFest 2012 cheque was issued for $2,500.00. Raj, Garth and Timothy were invited to the “family lunch” and we presented the cheque for our sponsorship.
Things to do for our events in August 2012:
- Display booth in aboriginal village
- Designated seats at the lunch and learns. (arrive 10 minutes before the presentation) after that time the seats will be open to the public.
- GlobalFest tickets to fireworks will be sold at ½ price, for all PSAC members in Calgaryand surrounding areas
- Booth set up at EllistonPark: ideas: raise money for aboriginal initiative.
- Posters (sold for a donation of $1) committee will designate one or several initiatives for donations
- Alex George – PSAC Aboriginal liaison may donate vests and t-shirts for the volunteers from the NAPSI funding
Needs to be done:
- Kettle or Drum (burch bark pot) to collect donations (Garth)
- Request to CANE for tipi to be sent up for duration of GlobalFest. Approved.
- Request CANE provide T-shirts for volunteers. Approved (approx 30)
- Request CANE (Emma) “Did you know” slogans to be displayed at park
- Initiative to start at NAD (National Aboriginal Day) celebrations.
HRC will set up display and we will get some pamphlets from GlobalFest to hand out at CANE celebration June 21, 2012
Motion to donate $200 to CANE for NAD celebrations, discussion that the two events would benefit each other and work well together:
- Motioned by Garth, seconded by Timothy
Fairy Tales Film Festival update, the festival will run from May 24-June 02. Timothy to provide schedule, as brochure is not up to date. Region has sponsored $350 on our behalf and Brother Timothy was able to get the Canadian Labour Congress and the Alberta Federation of Labour to match funding. We will be getting Silver level funding this year and a half page advertisement in the program.
Calgary on Sept 2nd during the Gay Pride parade.
During the campaign of 2011, when were working with the Calgary Handi-Bus organization, we neglected to actually issue a cheque with the remaining monies we had from the Social Justice Funding we received. It was the will of the committee to dispense funding to the Calgary Handi-Bus on behalf of the PSAC.
- Motion to write a cheque $500 to Calgary Handi-Bus as promised during PWD campaign of 2011 by Timothy, seconded by Evelyn Unanimous
Emma motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 pm, seconded by Dale Marianiucz
Meeting was adjourned.
Next meeting is scheduled for July 10th to update on GlobalFest volunteers
Volunteers needed for EllistonPark(Approximate time 5:15-9PMeach evening)
Thurs Aug 16
Sat Aug 18
Mon Aug 20
Wed Aug 22
Fri Aug 24
Sun Aug 26
The lunch and learns on during the lunch hour at the City of Calgary Main Library are free and it is encourage that departments and agencies be notified to allow for a longer lunch hour to attend these functions for Aboriginal Awareness Week.