Celebrate Black History Month with these educational posters

The PSAC BC Racially Visible Caucus and the Union of National Employees BC and Yukon have developed a series of posters, facts, and bookmarks to Celebrate Black History Month and commemorate our heritage.

We encourage Prairies member to make use of these materials in their own workplaces. Members can download the series of six informative posters to print and display at their worksites. The posters can be shared one at a time over a six week period, or all at once.

The PSAC recognizes and celebrates the past and present contributions of Black people and people of African descent. We also acknowledge the discrimination, barriers and challenges that remain prevalent in Canada.

PSAC is encouraging members to commemorate Black History Month and raise awareness of the contributions of Black workers in the Canadian labour movement by participating in events in their workplaces or communities.