Dave Burchell PRC Report (Apr. 2013)

Dave Burchell, Persons with Disabilities Rep
Report to the Prairie Region Council

April 2013

  • Attended HRC election. No meetings have been called since the election which causes some concern as this was the situation prior to this year's elected executive. I have concerns over the viability of this committee going forward in the Edmonton area as NOTHING is happening.
  • Attend EAC meetings on a regular basis. Personally taking the lead on K-Days parade (if we choose to go ahead with the plan. We want to have 10 volunteers for the work of that subcommittee). Have also taken the lead with Darlene Lewis on the Habitat 4 Humanity build we are looking to organize for the end summer/fall time frame.
  • Attend by phone the PRC monthly calls. These fall on Tuesdays at 6:00 which makes it difficult to get on the call right at 6:00 for me and I must leave the call by 6:40 to make my preparations for physio at 6:45. Was glad on the last call to find out the deadline for reports was Friday, 12 Apr as I had saved the report and completely forgot to send it off. (edited this since the call)
  • Will be attend the DTA course in Edmonton, 13-14 Apr. This course allows me to gain additional information in regards to helping members in the Region, specifically in regards to DTA issues.
  • Attended the NHRC meeting which followed the Leadership Summit. Through our caucus and on the Sunday morning, several of the PWD reps made it clear that this equity group will no longer tolerate the 'attempts' to make opportunities 'accessible for all' and 'completely inclusive'. As we see time and time again a lack of understanding of what this means, we, as a group within PSAC will strive to ensure all shortcomings are brought to the attention of the PSAC at all levels.
  • Attended the Prairie Region OHS conference.