Dave Burchell PRC Report (Mar. 2012)

Dave Burchell, Persons With Disabilities Representative
Report to the Prairie Region Council
March 2012

Since being elected to the PRC as the PWD rep, I have been involved and participated in the following:

26 January - Minding What Matters: Mental Health and Resiliency in the Workplace

1-day learning event which will focus on mental health and wellness in the workplace, with a specific workshop titled:  Mental Health First Aid.  This was put on by the Alberta Federal Council through the AFC Secretariat, Health Canada and Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada in partnership with the Alberta Federal Human Resources Council, AFC Mental Health Working Group and the National Managers' Community - Alberta.

Attended a planning session to try to generate ideas on bringing more members into the EHRC.

Phoned Locals in regards to the Minister Flaherty letter.

Working with AANDC’s PWDC to create a scent free policy within AANDC.

Constantly assisting UNE members with Mental Health issues in their workplaces, usually as an advisor for sources of info and fact finding for grievances.

Attend EHRC meetings when available.

Attend EAC meetings when available.

Attended PRC introductory session.