David Pearson PRC Report (Oct. 2013)

David Pearson
Lethbridge AC Rep
Prairie Region Council October 2013

Earlier this year, I was asked to sit on the Interfaith Food Bank learning garden incentive with a fellow PSAC member (Shannon Little), because our involvement in the PSAC food bank garden. We were tasked with the overall planting beds design. We designed 8 5.6 sq.M raised beds and 8 2.8 sq.M raised beds all but two beds are 41cm in height and one bed higher at 56cm another 68cm. These taller beds will allow for gardening from a wheelchair and gardeners with mobility issues. I also was tasked to build their learning greenhouse. I am now busy creating learning tools for the greenhouse for the next growing season. The grand opening of the learning garden is on October 23, 2013. Thinking that this project would be done in a few weeks; it turns out to be my one major of my summer project as I put in over 150 hours of labour into it. My other project was the PSAC Food bank garden and we delivered over 3600lbs of product to the Interfaith Food Bank and in 2012 it was 3400lbs. Planning for the 2014 season has started.

Since my last report, a group of PSAC activist, including myself, visited our MP at his Christmas open house, the interaction with him can be seen on YouTube. During the federal budget cycle, our MP held a few pre budget presentations, one was held in Lethbridge myself and fellow PSAC members and other union members showed up to his presentation and correct any errors in the facts he may have presented. There were many members in ‘We are All Affected’ tshirts correcting his errors that he started to call us ‘The Red Shirts’. It was great to him trying to stay on message. The Area Council had a budget watch at the library, as the local Labour Council did not sponsor one, it was sad day for Canada.

I attended several Idle No More events in Lethbridge; the two which stood out was the teachin the University of Lethbridge and the Day of Action. The teachin the organizers had speakers who spoke about their experiences and history of the relationship between the First Nation and the Crown. What I was impressed was the passion of the youth and the resolve of the Elders. The Day of Action, for a cold day, the turnout was impressiveas were the entertainment and the speakers. We as Canadians need to listen to the concerns of the First Nation as their concern resonates with the concerns of all Canadian clean air, clean water and a healthy Earth.

The flood in Calgary told us by surprise by the scope of the devastation. Local musicians asked PSAC to help organized a benefit concert a week after the flood. The music was great; the work was light as there were many PSAC members helping out. A few weeks later, in July, the Lethbridge Labour Council with the Area Council help organized a film night Sacred Spirit of Water. The two Councils are looking hosting another film night. It can be noted that the CLC is looking at Lethbridge to host a Labour Film Festival in the near future and the PSAC will be there.

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