Day of Action Report & Photos (Northern Alberta)


Canada Place, 9700 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, AB - Close to 300 members, along with other labour activists, braved the cool temperature for Edmonton's Day of Action. Nina Kiviluoma, Chair of the Edmonton Area Council and Edmonton Area Council PRC Representative, gave several media interviews as well as introduced the guest speakers. Guest speakers were Brian Henderson, President of the Edmonton District Labour Council, Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, and Darlene Lewis, Chair of the Regional Women's Committee.

Tax Services Office, Red Deer AB - The Red Deer site had about 35 members come out to stand together for public services.

Canadian Forces Base, Cold Lake, AB - Members from UNDE local 30902 braved the freezing cold, snowy day to participate in the noon hour National Day of Action. The local provided doughnuts and coffee to help keep warm.

Canmet Western Research Centre, Devon, AB - At noon on March 1, the members of NRU Local 30094, joined by many supportive PIPSC members, walked off the job and picketed around the building. The event was a great success.

Media Coverage:

Edmonton Sun had coverage of our Day of Action on pages 8 (with picture), 17 and 26 (story below)

Close to 100 government workers protested potential federal budget cuts outside Canada Place on Thursday. Nina Kiviluoma, elected representative of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, said the union is raising awareness about the Conservative budget on March 29. "We believe it's going to be harmful to the Canadian economy and Canadians themselves," she said. She said the cuts could mean tens of thousands of jobs lost in the private and public sectors and the impacts from the loss of jobs. "You could see things like longer lines at the passport office, longer waits for employment insurance and sickness benefits," she said.

630 CHED AM Edmonton

iNews880 AM (same story as 630 CHED AM, above)

Global News Edmonton (The story focuses on the labour shortage, but uses a quote from AFL President Gil McGowan at the PSAC Day of Action rally. PSAC flags can be seen in the background at 1:36 in the video)

Thank you to all of the locals for participating in this important action. We admire the courage and persistence of all of the Sisters and Brothers who wore a sticker, waved a flag, or put on a black arm band, and collectively rallied together to take a stand against the damaging austerity agenda of this government.
