Deanna Getz PRC Report (Nov. 2015)

Deanna Getz
Southern SK Geographical Rep
Prairie Region Council November 2015

Since our last meeting in February, PRC reps has been very busy working with PSAC

on electoral issues.  I worked with the Regina Area Council by assisting with planning an all candidates forum that was held September 30th in one of the targeted ridings, Regina Lewvan. The forum was a great success in drawing out voters. Comparing our numbers to last year, we almost doubled our turnout. It was standing room only as the candidates (all but the Conservative candidate who chose not to attend) answered many tough questions put forth by voters and even upcoming voters, the youngest attendee being only 14 years of age.

I have attended area council meetings in June, two meetings in July and another in September. Some of the items discussed was the planning of our participation in the Labour day picnic, the all candidates forum and listening to Marianne speak with regards to political campaigning, including the do's and don't' before and after the writ has been dropped.

I participated in the mail out that was sent to members in the Regina Lewvan area along with an additional mail out to the members encouraging members to take the time to make an informed vote.

I assisted with my own local in manning our booth at the Labour day picnic. Despite the cool weather, the turnout was very successful.

I sat in on the town hall meetings held prior to the election with our own leaders, Robyn Benson & Marianne Hladun.

I also participated in several phone meetings for both the PRC Communications committee and the PRC.  The Communications committee discussed what swag would be ordered with the budget we were given for the year.   The PRC discussed & voted on the next location for the Prairie Regional Conference to be held in 2017.

The next conference was to be held in Alberta, but the guidelines provided by National made it difficult to find the facilities needed to make that possible. Saskatchewan was considered along with Winnipeg, but the committee voted to have the conference in Winnipeg as it would be more cost effective to have everything held in the Winnipeg hotel vs Regina having to bus people to the meeting location and catering in lunch.

I'm glad to see we now have a new boss to lead us to victory. I'm very happy with some of the changes I see being made, such as the continued door to door delivery of our mail by Canada Post.

Gone are the days of dictatorship. The people spoke and change was made.

Respectfully submitted,

Deanna Getz
