Edmonton Regional Women's Committee: Meeting Minutes - January 13, 2018

RWC Planning Document (PSAC Edmonton office)

January 13, 2018

In Attendance:

Patty Jessome (RWC Chair)

Kim Cardinal (RWC Co-Chair)

Charmaine Nelson (RWC Treasurer)

Colette Lee (RWC Secretary)

Carm Chan (PSAC Representative)


RWC Roles and Responsibilities:

Patty would like this as a lasting document. Patty would like input from the RWC
committee members at the next meeting so she can revise the document. Revisions can also continue as needed.

RWC Meeting Minutes SOP:
A lasting document for RWC members to follow. Patty would like input from the RWC committee members at the next meeting so she can revise the document. Revisions can also continue as needed.


Monthly Activities/Dates:

Northern Alberta Regional Women’s Committee (RWC)

  • January 20, 2018 - Women’s March
  • February 28, 2018 - Day of Action (Phoenix) - Lunch and Learn?
  • March 8, 2018 - International Women’s Day
  • April 2018 - International Day of Pink (April 11, 2018) (poster Charmaine)
  • October 2018 - Women’s History Month
  • November 2018 - Remembrance Day (11) - wreath; International Children's Day (20) - asked for donations for children; donated to the Bissel Centre and/or Women’s shelters as well as Terra Centre; a day of action for Universal child care.
  • December 2018 - Violence Action Against Women (6th)


RWC Theme: Women Working for All

2018 Events

March 8: International Women’s Day
Wellness Afternoon featuring:

  • Self Defence (Sgt. Joe Spear): Colette to follow up
  • Defensive Driving: Kim to follow up
  • Darci Lang - Motivational Speaker (Focus on the 90%): Colette to follow up
  • Laughter Therapy (FUN): Patty to follow up
  • Hold 2 PSAC Women at Work workshops for our membership: Patty to follow up

Remembrance Day (Nov. 11): Two spots for RWC members to lay Wreath at Butterdome.

International Children’s Day (November 20): RWC to raise awareness with website campaign on universal childcare, see more under Campaigns. (HR to look at a FUN day for children.)

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women Dec 6:

  • AFL Brunch
  • UNIFOR52 Collaboration
  • Ticket give-away to attend AFL Brunch or Harmony Brunch

*Marianne Hladun paid for tickets to attend in 2017.

Patty to ask Marianne about UNIFOR crossing picket line at Winnnipeg airport and if we can still go ahead with planning for Dec. 6th with them.


Universal Childcare: What’s your Story?

Website to promote universal childcare: Why Canadians need it and how it can be done. (Funds coming out of the Universal Child Care budget) - Cost to buy domain name and maintain may be as high as $130 per month (Patty) - potential to become national campaign. This is where we ask parents to share their struggles whether financial or finding quality childcare. 

Domestic Violence:

  • Campaign for Jessica Martel Foundation (Shelter/Safe House)
  • Talk to Jan Reimer regarding shelters and fund raising ideas to give to women in need.
  • Pussyhat campaign

Lobbying / Rallys

Patty talking to Siobann at AFL to see if there are opportunities for RWC participation.


Financials (Budgets)

  • Motion to finalize budget at the next committee meetings dated below.

Meeting for RWC: February 8, 2018 (5:30pm)

Planning committee adjourned at 1:55 pm

Our Organization: