Basic Duty to Accommodate/Representing Members with Mental Health Issues (Updated Sept 27, 2017)
Edmonton – Oct. 28th-29th, 2017 Saturday (9am-5pm)
Day 1 of this course focuses on an introduction to the Duty to Accommodate and will explore the concepts behind discrimination, defining accommodation, the laws that govern accommodation, jurisprudence, and the responsibilities of all parties (the member, the union and the employer), with respect to workplace accommodation. Day two will focus on Representing Members with Mental Health Issues where participants will begin to understand their own perceptions of mental illness and gain a better understanding of the myths, realities and facts about mental illnesses. Participants will advance their understanding of the difference between mental health and mental illness and be able to determine what approach to take when representing members with mental health issues. Participants will understand more about what their role is and the unions legal obligation with regards to the Duty of Fair Representation.
Registration Deadline: October 13, 2017
This course is open to all Northern Alberta Members