Calgary Regional Women's Committee Notice of Meeting - 18 January 2016

January 18, 2016
5:30 pm to 8:00 pm
301-14 Street NW, Calgary, Alberta (Map)
Sign-up Deadline: 
January 18, 2016

Please encourage your PSAC sisters to attend a meeting of the Calgary RWC and find out what we are all about. Join us in activities focused on supporting and empowering women and our community. Right now the Secretary's position on the Executive is vacant and we are looking to fill it! We are starting our International Women's Day project where we partner with the Women's Centre of Calgary and other unions for a celebration of women's diversity, strengths and growth. The International Women's Day theme for 2016 is A Pledge for Gender Parity. Did you know that in Alberta women are STILL making less than their male counterparts in some professions? The Alberta Government has created the Ministry of the Status of Women - just how does our Provincial Goverment see their role in creating gender parity? 

This is your invitation to attend The PSAC Calgary Regional Women’s Committee first meeting of 2016!

Join us at 5:30 p.m., January 18, 2016

PSAC Boardroom
Suite 302-301 14 Street NW
Calgary, AB

A light lunch will be served, so please confirm your attendance by e-mail to or by calling 403-270-6555.
