Edmonton Regional Women's Committee Info Session on the Childcare Crisis and National Women's Conference Delegate Election, October 17, 2019 @5:30 p.m.

October 17, 2019
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
10665 Jasper Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB (Map)
Register online:


Volunteer Callout!

Re: Fix the child care crisis – done waiting!

Accessible and affordable childcare can help the primary caregiver go back to work.

In support of the Canadian Labour Congress’ Child Care Campaign, the PSAC Edmonton Regional Women’s Committee (RWC) is assembling lobby teams to meet with Members of the Provincial Legislative Assembly (MLA) and Members of Parliament (MP) to advocate for universal child care.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that child care would be left to the provinces, however we are done waiting.

The crisis is real. You or someone you know, a friend, a relative, a colleague, is struggling to find and pay for child care. To fix the child care crisis, we need to make it affordable, high quality as well as public and universal. We need to make it happen.

RWC action plan: 

  • To qualify for an appointment with an MLA or MP, lobby groups must be accompanied by a constituent. The more constituents that volunteer for this initiative the more electoral districts we can reach
  • Edmonton RWC will coordinate the appointments and assemble the groups, mixing all levels of experience to ensure are well prepared for the visits. For example, each group will be appointed a speaker that is versed in the subject to speak on behalf of the group
  • Now that the writ has dropped thus initiating the proceedings of the 2019 Federal Election, our initial focus will be to lobby the provincial MLAs
  • Once the newly elected federal government is in place, we intend to be first in line to meet with the MP’s
  • Bring lots of children to our appointments - Let them rip up the place!

Make plans now to attend our information session being held at the PSAC Edmonton Office, on Thursday, October 17th at 5:30 p.m.

RSVP by sending your information to the RWC committee chair Kim Cardinal by Monday, October 7, 2019.

For more information about the childcare crisis we encourage you click here 

Once the info session is complete we will be Electing a Delegate to attend the National Women's Conference on April 3-5th, 2020 in Ottawa.

In Solidarity, Edmonton Regional Women’s Committee Public Service Alliance of Canada