Lethbridge Area Council Meetings, Mon. Jan 27 & Feb. 17 @ 6pm @ London Drugs Community Room

January 27, 2020 to February 17, 2020
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
London Drugs Community Room , Lethbridge, Alberta (Map)

Lethbridge Area Council would like to remind you that it's Convention year and we have loads of work to do provincially and federally.

Please join us us for our first two meetings of 2020.

The first meeting of year will be Monday Jan 27 @ 6pm @ London Drugs Community Room.

Tentative Agenda:

1. Call to Order

2. Approval Agenda and Minutes

3. Treasurer Report

4. Prairie Regional Triennel Resolutions (due Jan 31)

5. 2020 Budget Planning

6. Upcoming Education

7. Motion to Adjourn


Our second meeting will take place Monday Feb 17th @ 6pm @ London Drugs Community Room.

Tentative Agenda

1. Call to Order

2. Approval Agenda and Minutes

3. Treasurer Report

4. Review and Approval of 2019 Books and 2020 Budget Requests

5. *Election of Lethbridge Area Council PRC REP (3 year term)* + 2 Alternates

6. *Election of Lethbridge Area Council Delegate to Convention (if needed)* + 2 Alternates

7. Upcoming Education

8. Motion to Adjourn

We hope that you are able to attend both meetings. Pizza and Pop will be provided at both meetings. Please share with others!! Bring a friend.

Please RSVP to lethbridge.psac.areacouncil@gmail.com