Northern Saskatchewan Regional Office - Education Forum - Aug 19, 2020 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

August 19, 2020
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Online, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Map)
Sign-up Deadline: 
August 19, 2020


The Northern Saskatchewan Regional Office would like to invite you to participate in an Education Forum to better understand your education needs and hopes for Fall 2020. 

Covid #19 has brought about many changes in our lives – how we work, engage with others, and are union activists.  Prairies PSAC staff have been very busy with helping members through numerous challenges during these times by providing Health and Safety information, helping members adjust to new worksite realities and work from home. 

Since PSAC regional offices have been closed education has been offered in new formats through webinars and online meetings offering much valued information on many topics such as working with a health and safety committee, ergonomics, antiracism, etc.  To be respectful of physical distancing and understanding that the health of PSAC members is paramount, PSAC offices will not be offering in person education for Fall 2020.

The Education Forum is an opportunity to chat with members of your region, your regional representatives and the Prairies regional education officer to help determine topics for education this fall.  The forum will be approximately 60 mins.  It is important to hear from a wide variety of perspectives – members, activists on regional committees, local executive members, and all interested in union education are welcome. 

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