Regina Area Council Meeting

September 18, 2014
7:30 pm to 10:30 pm
Suite 200. 2445-13th Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan (Map)
Sign-up Deadline: 
September 18, 2014


 The Regina Area Council will be holding a meeting on September 18th 2014 at 5:30pm. The meeting will be held at the Regina Regional Office, Suite 200, 2445-13th Avenue.


Regina Area Council
Meeting Agenda
September 18, 2014

1. Welcome and roundtable introductions
2. Adoption of meeting agenda
3. Adoption of previous minutes – June 4, 2014
4. Treasurer’s report
a. Current bank balance
b. Payment of dinner expenses
5. Update – PRC Area Council Representative
6. Collective Bargaining Update and Mobilization
7. Election of PSAC Delegate and Alternates
8. Other business
9. Close and next meeting date

Please RSVP to Keith Gauthier or call the Regina Regional Office at 306 757-3575.

