Regional Women's Committee Notice of Meeting - Calgary - 26 October 2016

October 26, 2016
5:30 pm to 8:00 pm
301-14 Street NW, Calgary, Alberta (Map)
Sign-up Deadline: 
October 26, 2016

You are invited to attend the next meeting of the Calgary Regional Women’s Committee:

Location: PSAC Boardroom, 302 – 301 14th Street NW, Calgary, AB  T2N 2A1

A light lunch will be served

Please RSVP to the Chair, Deb Kosteniuk at
Or call the PSAC Office at 430-270-6555
So that we can make sure we have ordered enough lunch for all.

For those who will be participating from outside the Calgary Area, the conference dial-in coordinates will be provided the day before the meeting.